Posted October 16, 2016

But I'm sure you mean downloadable games, that are not on tape/cartridge/floppy/CD/DVD/Blu ray-ROM.
If your GOG games are gone tomorrow, you should've invested in a better backup system.
DRM'ed (online activation) downloadable games on the other hand can indeed be gone tomorrow. But so can games on physical media. Floppies stop working all the time, and I've even had 2 CD-ROMs that called it a day.
That said, I have a collection of around 300 boxed games - but they're all also archived on hard disks, just in case.
Those games are gems from a past that, probably, will never return. This is why they will be worth much more then a downloadable Witcher 3..
Post edited October 16, 2016 by OldOldGamer