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George A. Romero has died of lung cancer. How long does anyone think before he'll be back and walking amongst us. I always liked Day of the Dead best, the fact that all is lost and their just sitting in the bunker waiting to die.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by thraxman
Is he really dead? Not just undead?
Hands down my favorite director ever.
timppu: Is he really dead? Not just undead?
Sadly he is gone.
i thought it was the guy who created the Daikatana , i have to googling it first.
Well shit, that's a downer. I knew he was old, but wasn't aware of any serious health issues he had.

I've only seen a few of his films, but he seemed like a really nice and interesting man. For what it's worth, given his strange fascination and view of death ( and un-death ), he probably wouldn't want people to be sad about his own death.

Might have to catch up on a few of his films I missed, some time this autumn/ around Halloween.
He was right . “The Walking Dead is a soap opera with occasional zombies”
I'd say this guy has been more influential on pop culture than a George Lucas, but less widely recognised for it.

I mean, he basically invented zombies.

(Not the word, but the idea that the word nowadays commonly refers to : Half-decomposed man-eating and contagious living dead.)
Fuck you grim reaper. He'll return. To eat our flesh.
Telika: I'd say this guy has been more influential on pop culture than a George Lucas, but less widely recognised for it.
And his social commentary is timeless.

Romero made a lot of bold statements with his movies during some very troubled times in this country's history, and more than that, they were subtle. He made some very cutting remarks without beating people over the head with them.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by tinyE
The world would be a very different place without this man's reinvention of the zombie. Resident Evil is one of my all time favorite gaming series, and I adored his films with his comical love of gore and social commentary. I can't thank him enough. RIP.
Post edited July 17, 2017 by CARRiON-XCII
He was one of those guys I somehow assumed would just live on forever. It's actually my girlfriend who first introduced me to his films (zombie flicks in general, actually) many years ago, Night of the Living Dead was one of the first movies we watched together and it was one hell of a positive surprise. It was a legitimately great movie.
R.I.P. Father of the Zombie Film.
The Zombie as we have come to know and love them is Romero's creation (though he cheerfully admits he borrowed the apocalypse angle from Richard Mathieson's novel "I Am Legend". He has had a massive impact on popular culture.

But he did not make only Zombie films. Try "Knightriders" for a different Romeo...though the story is still set in his beloved Pennslyvania.
Telika: I'd say this guy has been more influential on pop culture than a George Lucas, but less widely recognised for it.
tinyE: And his social commentary is timeless.

Romero made a lot of bold statements with his movies during some very troubled times in this country's history, and more than that, they were subtle. He made some very cutting remarks without beating people over the head with them.
Sadly, when he returned to thr Zombie film in the mid 2000's with "Land of the Dead" he did beat people over the head with his message..and, surprise, it is much less effective then the satire in his earlier films.
Post edited July 18, 2017 by dudalb