To all Debian Stretch users:
There appears to have been a change in the recommendation/dependency chain from libasound2-plugins:i386 library, required for most games here at GOG. As a result when you install or upgrade this library aptitude will attempt to, if it's not already installed, pull in 32-bit video acceleration drivers as well.
Unfortunately, aptitude is not very smart with this (Debian folks appear to indicate it's not really possible to have aptitude automatically make the right decision here), so what actually happens is it tries to install the 32-bit nVidia proprietary driver always, unless you manually prod it to the correct decision.
If you are on Intel integrated, i965-va-driver:i386 should now be installed before/simultaneously with installing or upgrading libasound2-plugins:i386. (For Radeon I'm not sure off the top of my head.)