Rohan15: 8.99 for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory....Sold!
michaelleung: That's funny, because that's the Splinter Cell game that I hated.
I think Chaos Theory has been the strongest of the serie so far. Not to forget the astonishing soundtrack by Amon Tobin. I have that game as retail but Starforce copy protection is quite a letdown. Not sure if it works anymore on Vista/7 as I haven't touched it since. Steam version sounds tempting. Double Agent was quite a disappointment as I bought it earlier this year from Steam when it was 5 euros something...
Gotta wait for GoG weekend deal first and then make decisions... :) seems to have Company of Heroes anthology for 12,99 euros now so I might consider getting that too. I've seen the original CoH game but haven't tried those expansion packs. I might do that with that cheap price. Probably doesn't get much lower than that.