Petrell: Well US has to pay their record dept left over from Bush adminstration somehow and EU members seem to willing to showel cash into money sinks like Greece, Ireland and Portugal so surely we're willing to pay off US depth as well. ;-) ;-p
trusteft: ignorant ass, they are loans, you take the money back with interest, they are not free.
It was a joke (and targeted more to record 14.5 thousand billion US dept, the legacy of Bush adminstration to Obama) but if you insist I elaborate:
You live under the assumption that the countries in question can affort to pay them back or don't go bankrupt. Considering there's already talk about greece loan restructuring, lowering interest rates and them requiring additional funds I wouldn't discount the possibility. While I obviously hope situation never deteriotes to that point, I remain sceptical. Do remember that both Spain and Italy are dangerously close to same financial collapse as Greece, Ireland and Protugal face so the finacial crisis is far from over. But if you want to discuss this further, let's take it to another topic.