Steam Sale continues... kinda meh today
Brothers in Arms - 75% off all
The Ball - 75% off, $5
Swords and Soldiers HD - 75% off, $2.50 - recover lost BBQ recipe? Must be the one for the 17th Street Grill, then.
Sniper, Ghost Warrior - 75% off, $7.50
Quake Collection - 66% off, $10.20
Plants and Zombies GOTY - 66% off, $4 (Michael Jackson apparently got the boot in this version)
Kane and Lynch 2 - 75% $5
Dead Space - 66% $6.80
City of Heroes : Going Completely Rouge/Rogue 75% $10 (+ sub costs?)
Hearts of Iron III Complete 75%, $14.10
Greed Corp 75%, $2.50
Amnesia Dark Descent 66%, $6.80
And indie of the day
Archon Classic 75% or $2.50.