Pheace: This is the typical attitude to MMO's. If the MMO in question is not the one you like they tend to spit on it. The MMO playerbase is a very juvenile one in that sense sadly.
Overall, especially for a first timer WoW can be a very enjoyable game, it was certainly well worth it when it came out. You're coming in late in it's lifetime though if you buy it now, although a new expansion is coming out in a few weeks.
There should be a trial available to at least *try* it out for a bit before even spending any money.
Rohan15: There is a trial. I did the trial, didn't like it. My grandmother, thinking that I'd like the game, got it for me for Christmas. I played the month that came with it since she was living with us and I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but it still wasn't enjoyable. The grind is worse than many Asian MMOs, the community is a mixture of what sounds and acts like 4chan denizens and Gamespot forum users, and the content feels like I've already done that. Just my opinion. I'll stick to Everquest.
Here is a different version of that story...
Most complete MMO ever. It probably has the best community I've seen in any game, I don't know how many nights I've wasted in the trade channel just chatting about jokes and stuff, many nights we would gather up (around few dozen players) and go together on a quest (killing low level hordies and stuff is fun!).
Sometimes we would go roleplaying, like, we would gather up in Goldshire, someone will be cooking, someone else will be fishing, then we would all eat together, have fun chatting.
Sometimes we would make a nice group and play together in Alterac Valley perfectly as a team, or go help out a person with one of his achievements, maybe do some low level raid just for fun...
All I can tell you is that you get a lot more for those $15 for the month than you get from a lot of other games during their whole existence. :)
EDIT: @Rohan15, something tells me that you didn't get pass level 20... :)