Posted November 19, 2010

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted November 19, 2010
FOV is an expansion pack for Div 2 ED. It is only useful for owners of Div 2 ED. And is only recommended if you want to continue your current saves from Div 2 ED. It contains only SOME of the changes and additions that are available in Div 2 DKS.
It does not contain them all as some of the changes, rebalancing, etc., break the save games from Div 2 ED.
Div 2 DKS is the rebalanced version of Div 2 ED with the addition of the FOV content. It's the recommended version to get if you don't have Div 2 ED or if you don't mind starting over (if you do own Div 2 ED).
While a promise of a patch for owners of Div 2 ED and FOV has been made, there is no ETA on when such a patch will turn up. As such, owners of Div 2 ED on Steam or GamersGate get the option of a 33% (or so) discount off the price of Div 2 ED.
It does not contain them all as some of the changes, rebalancing, etc., break the save games from Div 2 ED.
Div 2 DKS is the rebalanced version of Div 2 ED with the addition of the FOV content. It's the recommended version to get if you don't have Div 2 ED or if you don't mind starting over (if you do own Div 2 ED).
While a promise of a patch for owners of Div 2 ED and FOV has been made, there is no ETA on when such a patch will turn up. As such, owners of Div 2 ED on Steam or GamersGate get the option of a 33% (or so) discount off the price of Div 2 ED.

resident bff
Registered: Dec 2008
From Singapore
Posted November 19, 2010
Ah ok thanks guys!
BTW Zombie Driver is pretty rock solid. The story mode is meh, but racing mode is a mix between Carmageddon and Micro Machines. Really fun and good value for its price.
BTW Zombie Driver is pretty rock solid. The story mode is meh, but racing mode is a mix between Carmageddon and Micro Machines. Really fun and good value for its price.
Post edited November 19, 2010 by lowyhong

GoG Lurker
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted November 20, 2010
Not sure how many here would enjoy a game like this, but while browsing Amazon's PC Game (Core) downloads found quite a few great deals in there, along with this one.
East India Company Collection - Digital Download - $5.40
(copy/pasted info)
* Features: East India Company, Pirate Bay, Privateer and Battle of Trafalgar
* Spectacularly cinematic and epic naval battles
* Two Command Modes: Give orders to all your ships in Real-Time Strategy Mode or take the helm of a single ship in Direct Command Mode
* Choose from over 10 realistic ship types, from small sloops and cutters to warships and East Indiamen
* Take over ports and protect your shipping routes to create the largest trading empire
East India Company Collection
In East India Company, you assume the role of Governor Director and seek to ship precious cargo to Europe in order to amass vast wealth. Build your fleets, establish connections to distant countries and dominate the other rival empires.
* East India Company: Spectacularly cinematic and epic naval battles, Two Command Modes: Give orders to all your ships in Real-Time Strategy Mode or take the helm of a single ship in Direct Command Mode; Choose from over 10 realistic ship types, from small sloops and cutters to warships and East Indiamen; Take over ports and protect your shipping routes to create the largest trading empire.
* East India Company: Pirate Bay: Play as a pirate captain; Attack trade ships to loot their cargo or commandeer whole ships; Add more and larger ships to your fleet; Choose new skills for your captain as he levels up; Hoard as much money as you can in 30 years time; Upload your campaign result to your gamer profile and compete for the title of the best pirate ever.
* East India Company: Privateer: Two Privateer campaigns set in different time periods; Two new multi-player modes: Breakthrough and Beehive; New goal-oriented gameplay with several new mission types: locate and either sink or capture enemy ships, blockade enemy ports, or escort friendly fleets, New commander skills to fit the life of a privateer, such as "False Colors", which allows the player to get close, enough to ambush the victim, and "Critical Hit", which gives the player a chance to hit an enemy ship's magazine, causing the vessel to explode; New specialists, such as the surgeon, cook, constable, and marine officer, who can be used to boost the abilities of your fleets.
* East India Company: Battle of Trafalgar: A re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar from both the British and Franco-Spanish perspective; Historically accurate ships from all three Navies; Five real-life naval commanders from the era, including Admiral Lord Nelson, French Admiral Pierre Villeneuve and Spanish Admiral Federico Gravina, Take control of naval battle groups comprising of the greatest warships of the Napoleonic era; Real-world naval strategy of the era accurately recreated in the battle AI
* East India Company Collection bounds together this trade oriented strategy game and its add-ons. This is the definitive collection of 17th century trade and naval battles!
East India Company Collection - Digital Download - $5.40
(copy/pasted info)
* Features: East India Company, Pirate Bay, Privateer and Battle of Trafalgar
* Spectacularly cinematic and epic naval battles
* Two Command Modes: Give orders to all your ships in Real-Time Strategy Mode or take the helm of a single ship in Direct Command Mode
* Choose from over 10 realistic ship types, from small sloops and cutters to warships and East Indiamen
* Take over ports and protect your shipping routes to create the largest trading empire
East India Company Collection
In East India Company, you assume the role of Governor Director and seek to ship precious cargo to Europe in order to amass vast wealth. Build your fleets, establish connections to distant countries and dominate the other rival empires.
* East India Company: Spectacularly cinematic and epic naval battles, Two Command Modes: Give orders to all your ships in Real-Time Strategy Mode or take the helm of a single ship in Direct Command Mode; Choose from over 10 realistic ship types, from small sloops and cutters to warships and East Indiamen; Take over ports and protect your shipping routes to create the largest trading empire.
* East India Company: Pirate Bay: Play as a pirate captain; Attack trade ships to loot their cargo or commandeer whole ships; Add more and larger ships to your fleet; Choose new skills for your captain as he levels up; Hoard as much money as you can in 30 years time; Upload your campaign result to your gamer profile and compete for the title of the best pirate ever.
* East India Company: Privateer: Two Privateer campaigns set in different time periods; Two new multi-player modes: Breakthrough and Beehive; New goal-oriented gameplay with several new mission types: locate and either sink or capture enemy ships, blockade enemy ports, or escort friendly fleets, New commander skills to fit the life of a privateer, such as "False Colors", which allows the player to get close, enough to ambush the victim, and "Critical Hit", which gives the player a chance to hit an enemy ship's magazine, causing the vessel to explode; New specialists, such as the surgeon, cook, constable, and marine officer, who can be used to boost the abilities of your fleets.
* East India Company: Battle of Trafalgar: A re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar from both the British and Franco-Spanish perspective; Historically accurate ships from all three Navies; Five real-life naval commanders from the era, including Admiral Lord Nelson, French Admiral Pierre Villeneuve and Spanish Admiral Federico Gravina, Take control of naval battle groups comprising of the greatest warships of the Napoleonic era; Real-world naval strategy of the era accurately recreated in the battle AI
* East India Company Collection bounds together this trade oriented strategy game and its add-ons. This is the definitive collection of 17th century trade and naval battles!
Post edited November 20, 2010 by StonerMk2

Dull Boy
Registered: Jan 2009
From France
Posted November 20, 2010
I am a huge fan of Pirates and other trading / ship battle fan, but East India Company is EXTREMELY repetitive and boring. I don't know for the expansions - I never wanted to acquire them given that I shelved EIC after maybe 5 hours of play (which were not even fun).

GoG Lurker
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted November 20, 2010
I respect your opinion on the game, and sorry you didnt like it, but truth is thats your opinion and doesnt mean that someone else wouldnt like it. All i can suggest otherwise for anyone interested is to download the demo and try it. I bought it after playing the demo and honestly i love it.

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From Italy
Posted November 20, 2010

BTW Zombie Driver is pretty rock solid. The story mode is meh, but racing mode is a mix between Carmageddon and Micro Machines. Really fun and good value for its price.

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

resident feline
Registered: Jun 2009
From Indonesia
Posted November 20, 2010
GFWL's daily deal is 90% off Bioshock 1, or only $1.99.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Italy
Posted November 20, 2010
Giveaway of the Day free A Man With a Monocle (24h only)
adventureshop only 4.99 on select titles$4.99.html?affiliate=AG (24h only)
adventureshop only 4.99 on select titles$4.99.html?affiliate=AG
Post edited November 20, 2010 by Elle85

resident bff
Registered: Dec 2008
From Singapore

Homer J. Simpson
Registered: Apr 2010
From Vietnam
Posted November 20, 2010
How could you buy from GFW Live?, i still find way to buy games from Live. Next Monday i will get a new visa card (my old expired) so i still don't test this:
I intend buy Xbox points from amazon:
Could I buy from GFW Marketplace with IP from region-not-supported by Microsoft points?
/ps: region restricted for buyingMicrosoft points from Amazon
I intend buy Xbox points from amazon:
Could I buy from GFW Marketplace with IP from region-not-supported by Microsoft points?
/ps: region restricted for buyingMicrosoft points from Amazon
Post edited November 20, 2010 by metalkidz

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 20, 2010
Post edited November 20, 2010 by Gundato

Not So New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 20, 2010
Impulse Deal:
Galactic Civilizations: Ultimate Edition - $0.99 (Originally $9.95)
Region: Worldwide
Galactic Civilizations: Ultimate Edition - $0.99 (Originally $9.95)
Region: Worldwide
Post edited November 20, 2010 by jlg6184

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 20, 2010

Galactic Civilizations: Ultimate Edition - $0.99 (Originally $9.95)
Region: Worldwide
Would suggest people wait for an impulse deal on GC2 as well.