Posted November 15, 2010

I don't want to open a new thread
Brad's newest idea:
Don't get me started on Visa 'cash' cards, that have a built in expiry. Why would I put cash on something at some point will vanish? Not to mention that they are a bit tricky to redeem. If you spend over that amount, you have to specify the exact amount to get the thing to work.
With all the changes made to the credit cards over here with the credit card act of 2009, it is becoming more expensive to use credit cards, because 1) They're almost all variable rate now. 2) The grace period is becoming a thing of the past. 3) Most have or are getting annual and sign-up fees. And 4) even if you do have a grace period, it is something short like 23 or 25 days. Of course, you charge something on the non-graced days, they start socking you with interest from day one. So even if you pay it off two days later, you still get the full 30 days interest. Arg!
This old guy is going back to checks. What's that? Check-by-phone? What do you mean a $35 convenience fee? (Oddly similar to a bounced check fee) Hmm...
At least 1% but as high as 3.5% is what I see in America for Visa Check Cards.
Post edited November 15, 2010 by PincushionMan