drinnen: Seriously 97% off and you're complaining because it's only on 2 games complete with all DLC?
After almost paying $A12ish for the Borderlands 2 DLC I was happy to notice this and pay only $A6.80 for the BL2 and all the pre-sequel DLC which I will play sometime after I clear my 600 game backlog.
Not complaining. I don't have much interest in Borderlands, it's not really my thing. So if I WERE going to buy it, I'd at least want it to have all the older games so I have the set. If a bundle came out with games 1, 3, 4, and 7 of a series, I'd also skip it. Sell me a series, not pieces of it.
I also have a backlog, so I have zero problem skipping any offer that doesn't have everything I want. Maybe in a few years a bundle will have it all, and I'll consider it then.
I mainly only pointed out that B1 wasn't included because I assumed it would be, and thought others might not have noticed in the 30+ components listed on Steam.