Grargar: Get ready for a second round of region-locking goodness from Nintendo!
<span class="bold">The Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle</span> $1 Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS)
Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (3DS, Wii U)
Coupon for 10% off Humble Monthly for New Subscribers
BTA Freedom Planet (Wii U)
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (3DS)
Citizens of Earth (Wii U or 3DS)
Exclusive Retro City Rampage Nintendo 3DS theme
More games next week $13 Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition (3DS)
Darksiders II (Wii U)
This time around, the codes are only redeemable on the European and South African eshops.
Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle - List of Available Regions
(AG) Antigua and Barbuda
(AI) Anguilla
(AN) Netherlands Antilles
(AR) Argentina (AT) Austria
(AU) Australia (AW) Aruba
(BB) Barbados
(BE) Belgium
(BG) Bulgaria
(BM) Bermuda
(BO) Republic of Bolivia
(BS) Commonwealth of The Bahamas
(BZ) Belize
(CA) Canada (CH) Switzerland
(CL) Chile
(CO) Colombia
(CR) Costa Rica
(CY) Cyprus
(CZ) Czech Republic
(DE) Germany
(DK) Denmark
(DM) Commonwealth of Dominica
(DO) Dominican Republic
(EC) Ecuador
(EE) Estonia
(ES) Spain
(FI) Finland
(FR) France
(GB) United Kingdom
(GD) Grenada
(GF) Guiana (French Guiana)
(GP) Guadeloupe
(GR) Greece
(GT) Guatemala
(GY) Co-operative Republic of Guyana
(HN) Honduras
(HR) Croatia
(HT) Republic of Haiti
(HU) Hungary
(IE) Ireland
(IT) Italy
(JM) Jamaica (KN) Saint Christopher and Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
(KY) Cayman Islands
(LC) Saint Lucia
(LT) Lithuania
(LU) Luxembourg
(LV) Latvia
(MQ) Martinique
(MS) Montserrat
(MT) Malta
(MX) Mexico (NI) Nicaragua
(NL) Netherlands
(NO) Norway
(NZ) New Zealand
(PA) Panama
(PE) Peru
(PL) Poland
(PT) Portugal
(PY) Paraguay
(RO) Romania
(RU) Russian Federation
(SE) Sweden
(SI) Slovenia
(SK) Slovakia
(SR) Republic of Suriname
(SV) Republic of El Salvador
(TC) Turks and Caicos Islands
(TT) Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (US) United States (UY) Uruguay
(VC) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
(VE) Venezuela
(VG) British Virgin Islands
(VI) Virgin Islands of the United States (ZA) South Africa