blotunga: I'm seriously thinking about never buying any games except the ones i want to play right away from non-bundle sites.
This is the conclusion I arrived at months ago. Instead of enjoying the games I wanted to enjoy, I was accumulating buckets of games I had zero intention of ever playing. I decided that I'd rather support individual developers instead of a group of developers and a bundle site.
The problem that I see with all the bundle sites is indie developers are promised great sales or are desperate to recoup money, so they basically turn their game into something nearly worthless; and what I mean is, once a game has been bundled, word gets around, and people will basically refuse to pay a fair price anymore. Instead, they will wait for another bundle or an extreme price drop.
These are my own observations, of course. They may be skewed because they're based on my own experiences. However, I will say that instead of spending $1-4 per bundle, possibly several times a week, I now choose one game every few weeks or longer and spend $10-15. In reality, I'm saving money, supporting developers, and having more fun sticking with one game that I know I'll play.
Of course, there have been bundles that contain several games I'm definitely going to play, so I will break my own rules sometimes. :-)