akwater: So it is a good game?
I don't know. I'm fetching it out of nostalgia's sake mostly, but I loved it when I was younger. I also love that two to four players can play it on the same machine.
It's a mix between chess and... well, imagine you have a TBS checkered board and pieces like in chess, but once one of your pieces challenges another for a square, an arena opens up and you have to make your pieces fight from a top down perspective to decide who stays on the square (one vs one). The most common and plentiful units are knights and goblins, who chase around their enemies trying to club or stab them melee style, while the other units like the dragon, djinni, unicorn, basilisk and others run around shooting from afar at different speeds depending on the unit. Your "king" unit is a wizard/sorceress and he can cast spells. The wraith and the phoenix chase around and their attacks are a mix of melee and area damage.
As far as i can tell, the developers have improved on the game several ways and there's a mode where you can play the thing the old way sans any changes. I didn't feel like paying 15 bucks for it but I think I'll buckle for $10.
Watch some videos on youtube if you like, it might not be up your alley. I seriously doubt there's a story somewhere but I enjoyed playing this stuff with friends on a console as a good mix of action and strategy. It's more of a quick match time killer than a full blown deep or complex game.