Leroux: Well, a good friend of mine has been a big fan of GoT, mostly the books, but also the TV series, and even he didn't manage to sell me on it so far. I tried, but rather half-heartedly. Maybe he would be interested in the game though, so I could gift it to him. Hm.
I'm not a big fan of TWD either, as I don't like zombies and survival horror to begin with; but I still found the game somewhat fascinating in that it managed to conjure up emotions, both in a good and in a bad way. I thought it is a game that can make you ponder about life and humanity beyond the silly zombie setting, even long after it's over. And at the same time it's also somewhat trite, because the premise is so ridiculous and sometimes it just reeks of sensationalism, letting horrible things happen all the time just because, and at the end of the day, all the emotion is invested in a rather pointless thing ...
My favorite so far was TWAU, and TFTB seems somewhat similar. I guess you're right, even if I end up only liking that one, it will have been worth the asking price. And maybe my friend will get some entertainment out of GoT, too. Thanks for the reply! :)
Well, the Humble versions do come with both a Steam key and a Telltale one, so I guess you could give one to your friend and try out the other for yourself if you're not completely sold on it ...
I can see that, and it's why I really tried to get into it, but thus far I'm just not really connecting to the characters in the same way that I do in the other Telltale games. Still, I'm determined to play through all of it eventually, and who knows, it might still win me over.
That's my favorite as well, I think it's easily the best of the bunch. TFTB is a lot more lighthearted than TWAU, though, I found it to be a rather different atmosphere. It's a much less serious game, and it's a lot funnier overall. I think all of the games have different strengths and depending on who's playing it that will make some of the games better than the others. :) Good luck with whatever you decide to do, and I hope you enjoy the games if you do end up getting them.