prakaa: What does the paid version entail?
Navagon: Crafting, an inventory, various weapons and armour, various tools, various forms of transport (including minecarts), more block types, more uses for block types, enemies (optional), farming and food recipes, better lighting and physics, doors, traps, stairs and better balanced gameplay (can't just punch out all blocks).
Oh and someone built a working 16 bit processor in the game.
So yeah, a few more possibilities are at your disposal.
bansama: Hmm. Yeah, if you can't carry and move lanterns, that's going to really suck. I'm also hoping they don't require (too much) iron to craft as i've found very little iron ore.
I've found tons of red stone seams, bunches of coal but iron seams are really rare for me. Even when just looking in naturally formed caves just below the sea level. I think I suck at Minecraft >_>
I've found one tiny dungeon and the chest in their contained food, and enough iron bars to make a compass. I hope in one of the updates, they be sommat like a metal detector that makes it a little easier to find iron.
Good point about the fishing rods too. It'd be nice if it were possible to make yarn using the wool and to be able to use that for fishing rods (at least on peaceful).
So hang on, it's more like Stranded II or like a more singleplayer orientated game yeah?