Navagon: Thanks for the heads up! This is definitely a lot better than the Steam prices in GBP.
If you need to know what's what in GBP, then let me know. Do you know what the DRM status is on Titan Quest, by the way?
You NEED to patch the hell out of Frontlines too. As it started out as a very bad console port. It's a pretty good game in its own right when fully patched though. The patches for the retail version work fine at least.
I need Pound/Euro/Dollar pricing for Sup Com as it's regionally restricted and I can't see the product page. I think all other products are viewable though -- but I won't be putting it on Didimatic until the morning.
According to another thread here, there is no longer any DRM on Titan Quest or the expansion.
As for the Frontline patches, I have downloaded the DD version of the 1.1.1. to 1.2.0. patch around 10 times now from several different sources (and at around 773 megs that's some hefty downloading) and each time I get the same problem. It simply crashes when I try to run it.
Even THQ support don't seem to have any ideas now on how to get it to work. So I simply can't patch any further than the second patch. This is why I wanted it to be 75% off on Steam in the their THQ sale, at least I wouldn't have to worry about patching that version.
And now for a new deal!
10% off Torchlight via GamersGate