letsmaybeLP92: Upcoming Groupees BeMine 18:
https://groupees.com/bm18 Basically confirmed: Aaru's Awakening (
wanderer_27: A bit OT, but Groupees just launched
Dynamite Comic Bundle #1 :
https://groupees.com/dynamite1 100 Comic Books (?)
Hey, thanks for this! This has some repeats from the HB Dynamite bundle, but overall looks cool. Thankfully none of the Eye of the World stuff. That would have been 1/3 of the bundle just for book 1 - of a 13 or 14 book series... What is that, 475 comics? It may have been only 5 books if there was less soap opera-y stuff going on, you know - less braid pulling, male/female frustration, skirt smoothing, what-have-you. Thankfully that that stuff was flushed right out of the comic book.
I wonder what the Army of Darkness comics are about? Sounds like it's after the "Hail to the King, baby!" line :)