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IAmSinistar: The next Mystery Bundle title is a good one, The Samaritan Paradox. Already have it on GOG, but a great item for bundle buyers.
Yay! They owed us.
IAmSinistar: The next Mystery Bundle title is a good one, The Samaritan Paradox. Already have it on GOG, but a great item for bundle buyers.
pablodusk: Yay! They owed us.
Indeed they did. I'm a bit optimistic about the remaining mysteries, at least one more might be a really good title as well. Heck, the bundle is still a good deal at the asking price now, taken all together.
madth3: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut is GMG Deal of The Day

-80% / $3.99 (Steam)

This time it is a good discount, [url=]according to IsThereAnyDeal[/url].
as an existing owner I still won't pay for what should have been a patch.
good price for those who don't have the game at all though.
IAmSinistar: ... Heck, the bundle is still a good deal at the asking price now, taken all together.
Definitely. Overall it's a promising approach to the bundle, somewhere between Humble unlocking a few games halfway and the totally blind Groupees preorder stuff.
<span class="bold">The Humble Flash Bundle: KISS</span>

The 39 Steps (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising (Windows)
Showtime! (Windows)

Darkout (Windows)
Unrest (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Lifeless Planet (Windows/Mac)

Everything in the $1 tier is Steam-only, while everything in the $6 tier is both DRM-Free+Steam.
Post edited October 06, 2014 by Grargar
Niggles: as an existing owner I still won't pay for what should have been a patch.
good price for those who don't have the game at all though.
You might also be better off, as I've heard the DC re-introduced a bunch of previously-fixed bugs and they hadn't been re-fixed, last I checked.
Grargar: Unrest (Windows/Mac/Linux)
REALLY happy abut this choice of phrase:

"Certain laptop Intel graphics cards on Windows have issues with running Unrest.
If you have a laptop with Intel graphics, please try the demo first."

- thats a VAST difference to "...are unsupported" - which does not indicate "wont work".
At least once place has the right idea.
Grargar: Lifeless Planet (Windows/Mac)
Dear gods, again? I really need to play my GOG copy before all this bundling makes me feel like I'm better off deleting it...
Grargar: <span class="bold">The Humble Flash Bundle: KISS</span>

The 39 Steps (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising (Windows)
Showtime! (Windows)

Darkout (Windows)
Unrest (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Lifeless Planet (Windows/Mac)

Everything in the $1 tier is Steam-only, while everything in the $6 tier is both DRM-Free+Steam.
Damn I really want Unrest, but could care less about the rest of the titles, and or have the ones I want. I'll have to think this one out. Damn it hb why'd you do it.
Oathe: Damn I really want Unrest, but could care less about the rest of the titles, and or have the ones I want. I'll have to think this one out. Damn it hb why'd you do it.
I'm right there with you! If you end up with Unrest, I'd love to hear your thoughts (this goes for anyone who's played it!) It's been on my wishlist for a while now ;)
GMG Weekly Bundle: Comandos Bundle

$4.97 for 7 Steam games

- Praetorians
- Imperial Glory
- Battle Group 2
- Commandos 2: Men of Courage
- Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
- Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
- Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
Grargar: Lifeless Planet (Windows/Mac)
IAmSinistar: Dear gods, again? I really need to play my GOG copy before all this bundling makes me feel like I'm better off deleting it...
Don't delete it. I thought it was a really good - atmospheric. One of those games that's really about exploring and story as much as anything. If you can take your time and enjoy what the developer's created (vs. racing through the game to get done) you'll probably like it.
madth3: GMG Weekly Bundle: Comandos Bundle

$4.97 for 7 Steam games

- Praetorians
- Imperial Glory
- Battle Group 2
- Commandos 2: Men of Courage
- Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
- Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
- Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
Be advised, The Steam version of Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is bugged: all soldiers are moving very fast.
The Last Door is 75% off on Bundlestars, but on GMG full price is 7€, so maybe you want wait for a 75% off here.
madth3: GMG Weekly Bundle: Comandos Bundle

$4.97 for 7 Steam games

- Praetorians
- Imperial Glory
- Battle Group 2
- Commandos 2: Men of Courage
- Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
- Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
- Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
GabiMoro: Be advised, The Steam version of Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is bugged: all soldiers are moving very fast.
Good reason for people to buy their games on GOG (DRM free aside).