genkicolleen: That's
really interesting, that you're not a HP fan, but the HP LEGO games were your favorite! Thanks so much for the detailed feedback! I won LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes in a contest -- have you played that one?
I picked up several of the LEGO games a couple of weeks ago when they were on sale on Green Man Gaming, and that was the first one I installed, since I'm a huge Marvel comics fan. It's mainly based on the movies, but with a ton of comics stuff in it, and it has voice acting. I've found that I enjoy the voice acting, as it's well-done and humorous without being annoying or over-the-top. It still has a ton of sight gags (apparently, Fury is always eating, and it's worth watching all of the characters' idle animations at least once), and the levels are fun without being too irritating. I've found myself stuck a couple of times, only to realize that it's because I keep forgetting it's a LEGO game and that I've passed a pile of twitching LEGO pieces that I need to build into something to keep going.
The LEGO games were what motivated me to finally pick up a 360 controller for my laptop, and it was well worth it. Also, they're HUGE. According to Steam, I've put seven hours into LMSH, and I'm at something like 7% unlocked.
Be aware that some of them have DLC; they're not necessary to play or win, but at least for LMSH, they're extra characters/vehicles. I succumbed to temptation and bought the Asgard pack (for $2 whole dollars), because I couldn't resist the temptation of being able to play with Sif and Odin.
tl;dr: It's a blast. *grins*