pigdog: Anyone played
The Fall?
Looks pretty good but have never seen it advertised and there are barely any comprehensive reviews.
Please take into consideration that The FALL is an EPISODIC release, 2 or 3 more episodes are coming... eventually.
I'll wait until they are finished.
Some deals:
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath is $1, -60% on IGS. incl. OST. Desura /GreenL
HassleHeart , $3, -40% DRM Free.
and just if you missed in on the Steam Frontpage:
Eldritch is $3, -80%
GET IT! PS: and avoid Getting the non-Legendary/Deluxe versions of Skyrim and Oblivion from GMG.
pigdog: Gamersgate have
Operation Matriarchy for £2.79 from £13.95
From what I've read, it's pretty generic but worth a look if you like a mindless FPS blast.
triock: Look at it this way - it would cost you much more without this thread. :p
pigdog: I like your logic! :)
Be sure to apply the Fan-Made Patch to counter the sound problems of this game.
Get it from here:
The game is truly from the category "so bad it's good". A nicely sick experience. Enjoyed it quite.