Posted March 06, 2014

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

New User
Registered: Nov 2012
From Thailand
Posted March 06, 2014
Got The Mixer 2 Bundle , been wanting to play freesia.

No Strings On Me
Registered: Feb 2013
From Greece
Posted March 06, 2014
PopCap Games HB weekly

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted March 06, 2014
Seems easy to pass on that one...

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 06, 2014
Oo, PopCrap. No ta.
I just noticed that the Origin service symbol looks like the weather map symbol for "hurricane". How appropriate, both warning of impending disaster and woe.
I just noticed that the Origin service symbol looks like the weather map symbol for "hurricane". How appropriate, both warning of impending disaster and woe.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 06, 2014

I just noticed that the Origin service symbol looks like the weather map symbol for "hurricane". How appropriate, both warning of impending disaster and woe.
By the way - if people did not notice this is another bundle where EA is giving all proceedings to charity.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 06, 2014

I just noticed that the Origin service symbol looks like the weather map symbol for "hurricane". How appropriate, both warning of impending disaster and woe.

By the way - if people did not notice this is another bundle where EA is giving all proceedings to charity.

Can You Face Your Fears?
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia
Posted March 06, 2014
$1 minimum:
- Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition [Steam]
- Shadow Warrior Classic Redux [Steam]
- Austin High [VHX]
- The Poisoning [VHX]
- One Coouch at a Time [VHX]
$10 or more & also receive:
- Defense Technica [Steam]
- Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Under Pressure [Steam]
- Cosmic DJ (Debut) [DRM Free]
- Good Game (Debut) [VHX]
$1 minimum:
- Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition [Steam]
- Shadow Warrior Classic Redux [Steam]
- Austin High [VHX]
- The Poisoning [VHX]
- One Coouch at a Time [VHX]
$10 or more & also receive:
- Defense Technica [Steam]
- Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Under Pressure [Steam]
- Cosmic DJ (Debut) [DRM Free]
- Good Game (Debut) [VHX]

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted March 06, 2014

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 06, 2014

My main beef with PopCrap is not the games themselves so much as how derivative those games are, and how arrogantly they try to gloss over that. They are in the same boat as the Gonad* Crush Saga folks as far as I am concerned.
* Can't use the C-word, is intu-lekt-you-all property.

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted March 06, 2014

New User
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted March 06, 2014
My wife loves those popcap type of games. I'm going to tell her about the humble bundle. She enjoys the candy crush thing quite a bit as a short diversion while she taking a break from her work.
Post edited March 06, 2014 by fartheststar

Newer User :)
Registered: Oct 2012
From Singapore
Posted March 06, 2014
my main problem with Pop cap is while they are addictive, after a while you'll feel doing the same thing again and again with very small changes here and there. You can usually win by repeating 1 strategy. (Bejeweled / Zuma series even Plant vs Zombies reflect that especially well).
While some visual effect or atmosphere are well done, I feel bad for gaining very little "winning satisfaction" vs the huge time spent.
Not to say got the origin "hurricane" icon like IAmSinistar said :P
While some visual effect or atmosphere are well done, I feel bad for gaining very little "winning satisfaction" vs the huge time spent.
Not to say got the origin "hurricane" icon like IAmSinistar said :P
Post edited March 06, 2014 by Muttala

CSA / nuts :)
Registered: Dec 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 06, 2014
Sorry kinda related to here:
Ive gone back 13 pages (with max per page) and cant find a thread on the indiegala capsule bundle I wanted to see what people thought of the last addition (gemini wars)? Have they fixed anything? Cant decide on the level to get yet im still torn if lower or higher.
Also im still undecided about stonerid, anyone think it might be in a future bundle?
Has anyone used the axis game factory in the bundlestars, im tempted it looks fun, but worried about if it will be useful as the pro version seems to be needed to do anything with your creations, do I understand that correctly? Its just a builder / designer and you cant export your stuff elsewhere or create a game with it? (Can not afford to pro version right now even at a discount).
Finally has a nice training bundle going on, mainly web based programming. <-- see on topic finally.
Id really appreciate your advice guys, a bit skint hence all the questions and not just buy it all incase!
Oh and on a tab hence the lump together post
Ive gone back 13 pages (with max per page) and cant find a thread on the indiegala capsule bundle I wanted to see what people thought of the last addition (gemini wars)? Have they fixed anything? Cant decide on the level to get yet im still torn if lower or higher.
Also im still undecided about stonerid, anyone think it might be in a future bundle?
Has anyone used the axis game factory in the bundlestars, im tempted it looks fun, but worried about if it will be useful as the pro version seems to be needed to do anything with your creations, do I understand that correctly? Its just a builder / designer and you cant export your stuff elsewhere or create a game with it? (Can not afford to pro version right now even at a discount).
Finally has a nice training bundle going on, mainly web based programming. <-- see on topic finally.
Id really appreciate your advice guys, a bit skint hence all the questions and not just buy it all incase!
Oh and on a tab hence the lump together post