blotunga: Never pay more for an acquisition then you have to. I'm not willing to pay for a game more then it was at some point. I have too many unplayed games anyway.
BlueMooner: I'm with you there. I'd also like to add TR to my collection but I'm in no hurry to do so. I can easily wait another year or more. Since I don't have any TR, and have never played them, I'd like to get all of them. Complete packs have been sold for not much more:
S and GG had 10 games for $14 and $17.50 respectively. GMG had $12, but didn't include the latest one. I missed the deals. : (
GMG had a second pack that included all of the Tomb Raider games including the new one and also the Lara Croft Guardian of Light for about $23 or so in addition to the $12 pack. I went for the cheaper pack as I already owned the new Tomb Raider, so the only game I'm missing is Guardian of Light and its 14000 DLCs.