Crassmaster: Actually, they also mention the games that use Goo.
deoren: Sins of a Solar Empire uses GOO and it's not listed as having such.
Test: Install on one box and transfer the files to another box. It will ask to authenticate.
It's also one of the games you can download via
Impulse Anywhere.
Coelocanth: I actually find them better than D2D. If a game on Impulse has third party DRM - be it Tages, SecuROM, GOO, or something else, it's listed on the game description page. If there's nothing listed, then there's no DRM (other than Impulse itself).
I don't find D2D is as good at indicating what is or is not used.
I agree on the D2D comment. They could do a lot better job indicating what is used. What I like about them is that when they
do have DRM free labeling. I do hope it improves ...
No, Sins doesn't use GOO. They've simply changed it so that you have to activate it whenever it gets installed/transferred to a new system. I find it rather difficult to believe that they'd be as open as they are regarding usage of GOO and then not mention it for a specific game.