Posted December 13, 2013

2 games for $10, all Steam keys except Condemned and Virtua Tennis 4:
Binary Domain Collection
Alpha Protocol
Gamer's Gate Sale Week Two email just fell into my inbox. May be some possible interesting bargains.
Cold War DRM-Free $2.50 (50% off)
K-Hawk: Survival Instinct DRM-Free $2.50 (50% off)
- Owned both of these in the past. Cold War on xbox, K-Hawk on PC CDROM. Both are good but not great third person with a pretty large emphasis on stealth and thinking. For $2.50 I'm seriously tempted to re-purchase both just to see if they are still as .. ok as I remember them being years ago.
The rest I have no clue about. So if anyone could shed some light on the qualities of these other titles that seem interesting I would appreciate any and all feedback.
Cold Zero: the Last Stand DRM-Free $2.50 (50% off)
the Sting DRM-Free $2.50 (50% off)
Loki Other DRM $2.50 (75% off)
Croixleur DRM-Free $2.50 (50% off)
Eryis Action DRM-Free $2.50 (75% off)
Dead mountaineers Hotel SECUROM :( $3 (70% off)
a Stroke of Fate: Operation Valkyrie SECUROM :( $3 (70% off)
Hard to be a God SECUROM :( $4.50 (70% off)
the Experiment 112 DRM-Free $5 (50% off)