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<span class="bold"></span> has a Black Friday promo event from now until December 2nd with 25% off all 6 of their active bundles, which are mostly great deals at their regular prices. To get an additional 25% off is almost ridiculous. LOL They're almost paying you to take the games. :) I've bought 12 bundles from them this year and been happy with each purchase. Don't pass this one up folks, this is a great deal!
skeletonbow: <span class="bold"></span> has a Black Friday promo event from now until December 2nd with 25% off all 6 of their active bundles, which are mostly great deals at their regular prices. To get an additional 25% off is almost ridiculous. LOL They're almost paying you to take the games. :) I've bought 12 bundles from them this year and been happy with each purchase. Don't pass this one up folks, this is a great deal!
Oh for f*ck sake, everyone is trying to empty my wallet :D
Have you (or anyone else) played them? Is any of those gamebooks good?
Vitek: Have you (or anyone else) played them? Is any of those gamebooks good?
I received a couple in a bundle a while back but haven't had time to try them yet. I did really enjoy physical gamebooks back in the day, and it makes sense to automate a lot of their aspects in a program now.
Guild Wars 2 is 40% off until December 3rd.
I wonder how good jack keane is.. I mean $1 shouldn't be too much for it right?
Does anyone know whether <i>X-Blades</i> on the IndieGameStand Store ($2.99, 70% off their regular price, but their regular price is double ShinyLoot's to begin with) is a Steam key or merely comes with a Steam key?

Unlike its sequel, it definitely exists in Steam-less form: ShinyLoot lists it as having 'One Time Key Validation'. But IGS lists ' Broadband Internet Connection' in the system requirements, which makes me wonder...
Post edited November 29, 2013 by VanishedOne
Eve Online Starter Packs are currently an incredible 95% off at GMG.
ABH20: Eve Online Starter Packs are currently an incredible 95% off at GMG.
Can I buy multiple things, so i can get 1 year sub for 12 x .99c?!!!
ABH20: Eve Online Starter Packs are currently an incredible 95% off at GMG.
gbaz69: Can I buy multiple things, so i can get 1 year sub for 12 x .99c?!!!
It says "Only redeemable on new accounts," so I doubt it.
IAmSinistar: I received a couple in a bundle a while back but haven't had time to try them yet. I did really enjoy physical gamebooks back in the day, and it makes sense to automate a lot of their aspects in a program now.
I used to love physical gamebooks as well. I am concerned here about quality of writing and paths through game which are unable to tell without actually playing it. I don't like those where you have to find particular item which is hidden in kitchen cupboard and you die instantly without it 100 pages later and I wouldn't buy these if they are like this. In that case I would rather replay Lone Wolf from projectaon then suffer in these. :-)
Post edited November 30, 2013 by Vitek
gbaz69: Can I buy multiple things, so i can get 1 year sub for 12 x .99c?!!!
TheSupremeForce: It says "Only redeemable on new accounts," so I doubt it.
I must of over looked that, thanks for pointing that out. I was kind of psyched to think I could get a year sub to a mmo for $12 :D.
Aliens: Colonial Marines about U$3.5 (LOL!)
The Secret World is $10.19 on (PC Download) and $14.99 on [url=]Steam.
Far Cry 3 is $7.49 on Amazon for both the PC Download and Steam DRM.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is $3.99 for the standard and $6.09 for the Augmented Edition on Amazon (PC Download).
alexkoti: Aliens: Colonial Marines about U$3.5 (LOL!)
Experience the Horror of Scripting and Texturing eye to eye! ;)

BTW. - Sales Info:

if you got FEAR 2 from the HumbeBundle, then the
Reborn DLC is 50% off for €$5 on steam

on GG FEAR2+ Reborn + SecuRom is also 50% off for €$5

If your have missed out on Batman AC GOTY somehow and only got the basic version the Harlequin DLC for Steam is available again for €$5.
Post edited November 29, 2013 by dyscode