Foxhack: Indie Royale did this with their current bundle too, but only because the average kept going up.
Psyringe: Huh? The current Indie Royale has consistently one of the of the lowest prices that I've ever seen for an Indie Royale. I think it never even exceeded 3.50€, a price that the better Indie Royales surpass easily within the first few hours. If they fixed the price, then I highly doubt they did so because it was getting too high ...
Indie Royale locked the price at 3.99 for the first few hours of the current bundle. Since people keep buying the games for the average price, the average keeps rising while it runs, for completely legitimate reasons, unlike Indie Gala, which has a history of artificially raising the average during certain hours of the day including Happy Hours.
Indie Royale locked the price so early buyers could get it for cheap. Indie Gala just copied them for whatever reason. :P