cich: Rockstar Weekend Promo on Steam.
First up, 75% off LA Noire! The Euro price is still twice as high as the American one. I wonder where do situations like this come from? They lower the base price for all regions (of which there are many now) but not for Europe? Why?
BlueMooner: That's because you guys are all evil socialists in evil socialist countries with evil things like "free healthcare". Evil ! So, American companies gouge you mercilessly and take all your money to show you how much better capitalism is. /s
Free healthcare here in Italy is a joke.
Some things work, some not, some are much expansive as free (yes, because you must always pay for the ticket).
For example just yesterday I made some analysis, I paid 40 € (private), they were 60 € as "free".
Also here in Italy they are cutting off health founds, so on May I will pay 3000€ just for one surgical intervention that was free until the last year.