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They may whine about losing money but once the Final Fantasy games hit Steam, they're going to be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck.
Foxhack: They may whine about losing money but once the Final Fantasy games hit Steam, they're going to be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck.
Sorta like how GOG/et al faired after the SS2 drop? ;)

(Load'sa money)
nvm too long rant :)
Any other deals this weekend?.
Post edited March 28, 2013 by nijuu
Foxhack: They may whine about losing money but once the Final Fantasy games hit Steam, they're going to be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck.
GameRager: Sorta like how GOG/et al faired after the SS2 drop? ;)

(Load'sa money)
Yeah, but you can't compare people who want System Shock 2 (which, I'd think, are less than half a million people) to the dozens of millions of people that want to play Final Fantasy VII for some godforsaken reason. And I think that amount is conservative. Because OH MAH GAWD FINAL FANTASY SEVEN bleh.
GameRager: -snip-
It really helps when you pay attention to what the problem before offering up your opinion...

One of the DLCs adds a ton of XP for no reason. Others add lots of money. There is a sale on a pack with all the DLC, but that includes the cheat DLC. AFnord would like the pack, but does not want the cheat DLC in the game. He wants to know if the code that comes with the pack will activate all the DLC at once, because Steam does not allow you to disable DLC. That is the problem.

We all have opinions, sure, but the guy who actually played the game might be a bit more knowledgeable about the topic than the guy who doesn't even know why he's arguing about it in the first place. Not trying to talk down at you, but I don't know how else to put it. This isn't my "opinion", this is first hand experience.

And if you want to call it "gameplay enhancements" then whatever. It's a bunch of stuff that makes the game easier and, for many people, less fun. I really don't care at all what you call it. It has the cadence of a cheat code, just with a price tag.

Anyway, this may or may not work for you if you decide to go for it, AFnord (this is what spoderman was referring too, you just need to make sure you're deleting the right files. It's a good game, but the cheat DLC is pretty annoying if you want to progress as intended. Even the free DLC sort of throws the early balance out of whack, though it's just cars so you don't need to use it.
low rated
PenutBrittle: It really helps when you pay attention to what the problem before offering up your opinion.
One of the DLCs adds a ton of XP for no reason. Others add lots of money. There is a sale on a pack with all the DLC, but that includes the cheat DLC.
AFnord would like the pack, but does not want the cheat DLC in the game.
He wants to know if the code that comes with the pack will activate all the DLC at once, because Steam does not allow you to disable DLC. That is the problem.
We all have opinions, sure, but the guy who actually played the game might be a bit more knowledgeable about the topic than the guy who doesn't even know why he's arguing about it in the first place.
Not trying to talk down at you, but I don't know how else to put it. This isn't my "opinion", this is first hand experience.
And if you want to call it "gameplay enhancements" then whatever. It's a bunch of stuff that makes the game easier and, for many people, less fun.
I really don't care at all what you call it. It has the cadence of a cheat code, just with a price tag.
Anyway, this may or may not work for you if you decide to go for it, AFnord (this is what spoderman was referring too, you just need to make sure you're deleting the right files. It's a good game, but the cheat DLC is pretty annoying if you want to progress as intended. Even the free DLC sort of throws the early balance out of whack, though it's just cars so you don't need to use it.
It really helps to not be so condescending when replying. :\

(I was trying to don't have to bite my ear off over it.)
Your comment made it sound like the XP thing was a bug and not part of a DLC update....thus me asking what you meant. Also(again) it's not cheating, so could you stop using that loaded term?
Don't some/all DLC packs allow one to install the DLCs individually once purchased? If this one works that way he could buy the pack and only install the parts he wanted....or he could buy them separately(when on sale) to get the ones he wants without the ones he doesn't want.
Steam doesn't allow one to add/remove DLC one buys/adds to a game? Really? If so, then that sucks. (Is that even legal?)
Maybe, maybe all depends.
No, the statement about it being severely distracting(having extra money in-game/etc & having to possibly manage it more.) IS an opinion, as was my own statement. This is what I was trying to illustrate. Your comment(That my opinion was de facto wrong, and said by you as if you were relaying fact & not more opinions.)seemingly came of as you saying my opinions were wrong & that you were stating a fact in stating such. You probably didn't intend to do this and I overreacted a bit, so I apologize if I took your words the wrong way in that regard.
It's all me, as I said, cheats are one thing and gameplay enhancements are another. Also(again) if one doesn't want the enhancements they can skip the DLC as an option. This might not be the ideal solution for everyone but it is one solution.
Again: Opinions
That seems like a good option for him, but again: He wouldn't need it if he had bothered looking into the DLC before buying it.

Foxhack: Yeah, but you can't compare people who want System Shock 2 (which, I'd think, are less than half a million people) to the dozens of millions of people that want to play Final Fantasy VII for some godforsaken reason. And I think that amount is conservative. Because OH MAH GAWD FINAL FANTASY SEVEN bleh.
Imo that number is anything but conservative. :p ;)
Also yeah not everyone likes FF7, but for a oticeable number of people it was a very good game. I am guessing you have a similarly highly upheld example of gaming goodness?
Post edited March 28, 2013 by GameRager
nijuu: nvm too long rant :)
Any other deals this weekend?.
I dunno about gaming deals but i'm somewhat sure there'll be cheap scrap metal on sale in NYC soon after Bloomburg rolls out those spy drones of his. ;)
AFnord: Because while it is simple to not use a certain weapon, keeping in mind that I always need to be 10 000 exp behind (and thus not leveling up when the game tells me that I've leveled up) or keeping track of how many credits I can not use requires me to be more conscious of what I do at all time. it distracts the player from actually playing the game.
GameRager: I think you're making a bit of an overstatement here.

orcishgamer: Umm, couldn't you just buy something super expensive and toss it (or you know, drink 1000 health potions in 30 seconds)?
GameRager: This would work as well. Heck, he could even just toss some creds/money on the ground and leave it there(If the game allows it.).
If that was an option, then sure, that would kinda work for the money part, but not at all for the exp part. In Deus Ex you could just empty all the stores and drop everything on the ground (annoying but doable). In Sleeping Dogs it is more tricky. I guess you could just get yourself a few expensive cars BUT that would still remove one element from the game.

And keeping track of the three EXP bars and not level up when the game tells you to, now that would be incredibly annoying, heck I would probably just give up on a game that would force me to do something like that, unless its absolutely amazing.

And much like PenutBrittle, I've played through & beaten Sleeping Dogs. Worth noting is that there are 3 separate exp bars in the game, so three things to keep track of.

PenutBrittle: The best you could do is buy a bunch of cars and just never drive them, but it would be infinitely easier to just not buy or uninstall the DLC. Plus that still doesn't solve the XP problem.
I wish they would just give you the option to disable them, and bloody mark them as cheats instead of giving them fancy names, thus giving the illusion of them being proper DLCs and not just cheats for real money. Due to the intrusive nature of the cheat DLC in Sleeping Dogs, I would strongly recommend against buying a complete pack for the game, even though there are some nice pieces of DLC for it.
PenutBrittle: AFnord would like the pack, but does not want the cheat DLC in the game. He wants to know if the code that comes with the pack will activate all the DLC at once, because Steam does not allow you to disable DLC. That is the problem.
It was mainly meant as a warning for others who might be interested in the game. Sleeping Dogs is by the way a really good game, so I would guess that there are quite a few persons out there who would like to play it.
Post edited March 28, 2013 by AFnord
low rated
AFnord: If that was an option, then sure, that would kinda work for the money part, but not at all for the exp part. In Deus Ex you could just empty all the stores and drop everything on the ground (annoying but doable). In Sleeping Dogs it is more tricky. I guess you could just get yourself a few expensive cars BUT that would still remove one element from the game.
And keeping track of the three EXP bars and not level up when the game tells you to, now that would be incredibly annoying, heck I would probably just give up on a game that would force me to do something like that, unless its absolutely amazing.
And much like PenutBrittle, I've played through & beaten Sleeping Dogs. Worth noting is that there are 3 separate exp bars in the game, so three things to keep track of.
I wish they would just give you the option to disable them, and bloody mark them as cheats instead of giving them fancy names, thus giving the illusion of them being proper DLCs and not just cheats for real money. Due to the intrusive nature of the cheat DLC in Sleeping Dogs, I would strongly recommend against buying a complete pack for the game, even though there are some nice pieces of DLC for it.
What element? (Sorry i'm a bit sleepy and might not be able to process stuff as quickly atm.)
Can you delete/disable the EXP gaining DLC(or if you haven't bought/installed it then don't do that)? Is that a workable option?
Besides the personal cons is the game any good? Just curious.
Again, why even be forced to disable them? Why not just not buy/install them(Or are you not allowed to pick/choose which DLC you can install in DLC bundles?)?

(And again, they're not cheats....just like finding a hidden(overpowered) weapon in a game(in a secret area) before one would normally get it(in a more open area or as part of the storyline/etc) isn't a cheat.)
AFnord: It was mainly meant as a warning for others who might be interested in the game. Sleeping Dogs is by the way a really good game, so I would guess that there are quite a few persons out there who would like to play it.
Ah, gotcha. Sorry about that, missed that context from your post. But I agree, anyone looking at the pack should watch out for the envelope DLC and the High Roller one. Are there any others that are explicitly cheat code-like?

GameRager, clogging up the deals thread with petty and needlessly long posts picking apart the words of others is really irritating. If you really want to debate me about this, I'm responding in your officially off topic thread.
AFnord: It was mainly meant as a warning for others who might be interested in the game. Sleeping Dogs is by the way a really good game, so I would guess that there are quite a few persons out there who would like to play it.
PenutBrittle: Ah, gotcha. Sorry about that, missed that context from your post. But I agree, anyone looking at the pack should watch out for the envelope DLC and the High Roller one. Are there any others that are explicitly cheat code-like?

GameRager, clogging up the deals thread with petty and needlessly long posts picking apart the words of others is really irritating. If you really want to debate me about this, I'm responding in your officially off topic thread.
Theres only a handful of SD DLC's which have story content - Zodiac Tournament, Nightmare at Northpoint and the Year of the Snake one. Some of the others give you more fighting moves and clothes but thats it. The rest give you money etc.
low rated
PenutBrittle: GameRager, clogging up the deals thread with petty and needlessly long posts picking apart the words of others is really irritating.
If you really want to debate me about this, I'm responding in your officially off topic thread.
Wanna know what's even more irritating? You using the current "debate" to act rudely towards me and trying to make yourself look good and me like the bad guy.
You didn't have to argue this in the first place, and turn this into a debate. If anyone's as guilty of clogging up this thread it's not just me(Hint: Look in a mirror.)

I agree we should probably move this argument into another thread, though.

(As such, I am moving on from this discussion, at least itt.)

nijuu: Theres only a handful of SD DLC's which have story content - Zodiac Tournament, Nightmare at Northpoint and the Year of the Snake one. Some of the others give you more fighting moves and clothes but thats it. The rest give you money etc.
Thanks for the DLC suggestions....I will try to remember them if I ever get the game.
Post edited March 28, 2013 by GameRager
Getting the thread back on track...

Codemasters sale at GMG hasn't been mention that I can see. Steam keys for everything.

Might make choosing which Sleeping Dogs DLC to get a lot easier. I spent hours online in places like GameFAQs, x360a, the SD official forum etc so I could build a list myself. A few days later I find that. Typical.
ABH20: Getting the thread back on track...

Codemasters sale at GMG hasn't been mention that I can see. Steam keys for everything.
Hmmm Dirt 2 or Dirt 3? hmmm choices....