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orcishgamer: Not even remotely true, phones are actually more powerful than the computers those games were released on, they frequently can do things that the desktops of the day couldn't, like really great zoom and splitting the UI (e.g. for source of effect and target). Even so, 7 inch tablets are extremely common around here. Yes, I live in a tech heavy city but a lot of people own the Kindle Fire, or even more powerful 7 inch tablets, which is pretty capable compared to these games' needs. Yes, 10 inch tablets are kind of an exclusive club, even today, but 7 inchers are straight up fucking amazing and really common. My 10 inch iPad gen 4 probably has a way better screen resolution that 95% of the folks on this forum. The battery is fucking enormous, I could literally stream video for 8 hours straight (okay, really I'm guesstimating, the fucker never needs to charge and I use it a lot for battery straining applications).

As well, 5 inch phones with IPS panels are becoming more common (these types of panels are likely vastly superior to your LCD montior's panel, because you probably have a T/N panel). Mobile RPG gaming is straight up fucking awesome. I understand it's a complete waste if you don't have any time holding your dick when you could be gaming, but if you have the requisite dick-holding time in your daily routine, yeah, it rocks.
GameRager: By phones I was talking about in sub 5 inch screen phones.

And no, mobile RPG gaming is sub-par dreck compared to playing on a LARGE screen(over 15 inches) with a mouse/keyboard. :P
How much mobile RPG gaming have you done to have come to such a conclusion? I find most of the people holding your position would have to answer somewhere between "none" and "less than 10 hours".

Seriously dude, massive amounts of RPG gaming, some of the most acclaimed RPGs in existence in fact, is done on Nintendo DS screens which are below most phone specs.

I don't know any other way to express to you that your opinion is evidently is the vast minority other than, yeah, it is.
orcishgamer: Who said the UI has to be the same?
StingingVelvet: Years and years of experience have shown us that developers go for a middleground-functional-on-everything approach, rather than specific systems tailored to each platform.
Yeah, and years of shitty PC ports haven't stopped the good PC ports from being... you know... good. Look, I get your personal frustration since you actually support developers, however most of the PC players seem to not be doing so in the same numbers as mobile players or console.

Good games will be good, bad games will be bad, and mobile doesn't have to compromise other platforms, that's really the long and the short of it. Will some games just be shittily done? Yep. It's rather unfair to blame mobile, just like back in the day it wasn't fair to blame Linux or Mac ports. Lazy developer is lazy. Cheap publisher is cheap. When you get a committed developer and publisher you get fucking magic and who is more committed than the current crop of KS devs? They're the ideal folks to be pioneering this work, the massive stretch goal money often will more than support it and you'll still get your live orchestra and original compositions to boot.
Post edited March 24, 2013 by orcishgamer
orcishgamer: How much mobile RPG gaming have you done to have come to such a conclusion? I find most of the people holding your position would have to answer somewhere between "none" and "less than 10 hours".

Seriously dude, massive amounts of RPG gaming, some of the most acclaimed RPGs in existence in fact, is done on Nintendo DS screens which are below most phone specs.

I don't know any other way to express to you that your opinion is evidently is the vast minority other than, yeah, it is
I meant mobile as in mobile phones...sorry for the confusion.

(At least DS/PSP/etc have better control systems.)
orcishgamer: How much mobile RPG gaming have you done to have come to such a conclusion? I find most of the people holding your position would have to answer somewhere between "none" and "less than 10 hours".

Seriously dude, massive amounts of RPG gaming, some of the most acclaimed RPGs in existence in fact, is done on Nintendo DS screens which are below most phone specs.

I don't know any other way to express to you that your opinion is evidently is the vast minority other than, yeah, it is
GameRager: I meant mobile as in mobile phones...sorry for the confusion.

(At least DS/PSP/etc have better control systems.)
That's my point, mobile phones are technically better than the Nintendo DS and the DS has very high quality RPGs on it. What makes you think this is impossible to do on a phone, given that the mobile phone has a better CPU, screen, more RAM, etc.? The only argument you have is "controls", you do realize many RPGs can be almost entirely controlled by the stylus on DS, right? Touch works just fine, just the same.

It's like you're telling me how shitty French pastries are because you love donuts so much. And hell yeah, donuts are great, but so are pastries and I'm still suspicious you haven't eaten many pastries...
^ Gotta go with Orc on this one. My guess is GameRager hasn't done much if any Mobile RPGing. While I want my phone to be a phone - I have played Hundreds of Hours on the DS and PSP and they are great mobile RPG devices.
orcishgamer: That's my point, mobile phones are technically better than the Nintendo DS and the DS has very high quality RPGs on it. What makes you think this is impossible to do on a phone, given that the mobile phone has a better CPU, screen, more RAM, etc.?
The only argument you have is "controls", you do realize many RPGs can be almost entirely controlled by the stylus on DS, right? Touch works just fine, just the same.
It's like you're telling me how shitty French pastries are because you love donuts so much. And hell yeah, donuts are great, but so are pastries and I'm still suspicious you haven't eaten many pastries...
I was comparing the controls, not the hardware specs.

You can have the best hardware(for a given platform) and still have a sh*t platform if the controls are crap.
Yes, many DS games were controllable via the stylus, but a good number of them were also more "simplistic" titles like jRPGs/puzzle games/twitch shooters/etc. As such, the stylus method worked fine with/complimented those titles.
I played a few phone games before(On demo units as I don't own such devices), and I really disliked the crap control schemes.

Lou: ^ Gotta go with Orc on this one. My guess is GameRager hasn't done much if any Mobile RPGing. While I want my phone to be a phone - I have played Hundreds of Hours on the DS and PSP and they are great mobile RPG devices.
Again I was talking about disliking phone gaming(i.e. mobile gaming), not handheld gaming.
(An aside: If you chaps wanna keep talking about this we should really take it into my offtopic thread or make a new thread for it before our fellow GOGgers notice that we've hijacked the deals thread.:))
Post edited March 24, 2013 by GameRager
Lou: ^ Gotta go with Orc on this one. My guess is GameRager hasn't done much if any Mobile RPGing. While I want my phone to be a phone - I have played Hundreds of Hours on the DS and PSP and they are great mobile RPG devices.
GameRager: Again I was talking about disliking phone gaming(i.e. mobile gaming), not handheld gaming.
I understand you were talking about the phone but if you do not think Hand Held devices are mobile you are plain wrong.
GameRager: Again I was talking about disliking phone gaming(i.e. mobile gaming), not handheld gaming.
Lou: I understand you were talking about the phone but if you do not think Hand Held devices are mobile you are plain wrong.
It's just how I classify those devices in my head, I guess. I've always called phones/iphones "Mobile" gaming devices and called DS/PSP units "handheld" gaming devices. :\
Lou: I understand you were talking about the phone but if you do not think Hand Held devices are mobile you are plain wrong.
GameRager: It's just how I classify those devices in my head, I guess. I've always called phones/iphones "Mobile" gaming devices and called DS/PSP units "handheld" gaming devices. :\
I'm with you.
'mobile gaming' imho refers phones or tablets (might well be same thing since people seem to think they can hold a 7 inch tablet comfortably while making s call he he)...... handhelds are PSP or ds or vitas dedicated to gaming whereas the former used to make calls or multifunction. big difference between a vita game vs a tablet game.
orcishgamer: Good games will be good, bad games will be bad, and mobile doesn't have to compromise other platforms, that's really the long and the short of it. Will some games just be shittily done? Yep. It's rather unfair to blame mobile, just like back in the day it wasn't fair to blame Linux or Mac ports. Lazy developer is lazy. Cheap publisher is cheap. When you get a committed developer and publisher you get fucking magic and who is more committed than the current crop of KS devs? They're the ideal folks to be pioneering this work, the massive stretch goal money often will more than support it and you'll still get your live orchestra and original compositions to boot.
I'm just explaining why I roll my eyes when I hear about mobile support. The reason is I don't expect them to create a good specific UI for it or tweak gameplay, I expect them to try and force the same game onto both with minimal difference.
nijuu: I'm with you.
'mobile gaming' imho refers phones or tablets (might well be same thing since people seem to think they can hold a 7 inch tablet comfortably while making s call he he)...... handhelds are PSP or ds or vitas dedicated to gaming whereas the former used to make calls or multifunction. big difference between a vita game vs a tablet game.
THIS......handhelds are more fun to play(imo) because they're built specifically for that purpose: To play games. Phones just seem to be trying to be a dozen different things at once....for some of them they do wonderfully & for others they do not. Imo phones just aren't built with "serious"(i.e. more complex, non casual games) gaming in mind.

(Btw, speaking of tablets....ever see the pic where Steve Jobs says that since people liked the iphone so much they'd like his latest innovation & then he pulls out 4 iphones duct taped together to form an ipad? Funny stuff)

StingingVelvet: I'm just explaining why I roll my eyes when I hear about mobile support. The reason is I don't expect them to create a good specific UI for it or tweak gameplay, I expect them to try and force the same game onto both with minimal difference.
I remember a time when companies actually made different(UI/gameplay/etc) game versions for different they go the lazy route.
Post edited March 25, 2013 by GameRager
Free Peggle counts as a deal, right?

My apologies for any loss of sleep.
Spinorial: Free Peggle counts as a deal, right?

My apologies for any loss of sleep.
You just killed the productivity of several persons. I hope you are happy.

I sure am.
Spinorial: Free Peggle counts as a deal, right?

My apologies for any loss of sleep.
Oh hell yes Peggle is so much fun. Thanks for saving me like $10 on the Xbox 360 store. You are the man!

It's also the only thing my fiancee is willing to play with me :(

Well, that and Hydro Thunder.
Post edited March 25, 2013 by stoicsentry
Spinorial: Free Peggle counts as a deal, right?

My apologies for any loss of sleep.
stoicsentry: Oh hell yes Peggle is so much fun. Thanks for saving me like $10 on the Xbox 360 store. You are the man!
What's a peggle? Some platformer?
stoicsentry: Oh hell yes Peggle is so much fun. Thanks for saving me like $10 on the Xbox 360 store. You are the man!
Antimateria: What's a peggle? Some platformer?
It's not a platformer. It's kinda like Tetris? Sorta.

Oh I think a better way to describe it would be Tetris meets Pinball with cute little animals.
Post edited March 25, 2013 by stoicsentry