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dyscode: It's also Postal Weekend on GG
Also Postal 3 is 70% off on GG. for €$9
MorphysLaw: I really want to get Postal 2 now. If I were to buy it from GG, would I get a Steam key included?
If you copy the installer files from the temp directory GG dumps them into(Run the installer exe and once the game is downloaded[but not installed yet] find the GG temp directory[usually it's somewhere in your my download/downloads folder] and copy the installer files somewhere safe. You now have a DRM-free backup. :D) you then have DRM-free backup installer.

grviper: Isn't the Seasoned Ass $20 on Amazon?
Calling season passes "seasoned ass"...lolol.....seriously? First people complained about DLC being expensive and that publishers were being greedy so they made season passes for people to get a good deal & people still complain?
Post edited March 21, 2013 by GameRager
Psyringe: 3. The game will be sold with a ton of necessary DLC, and the publisher is applying "inkjet printer pricing".
grviper: Isn't the Seasoned Ass $20 on Amazon?
Hehe ... seasoned ass.
GameRager: Calling season passes "seasoned ass"...lolol.....seriously? First people complained about DLC being expensive and that publishers were being greedy so they made season passes for people to get a good deal & people still complain?
Good deal? How the heck $20 for we don't know what, that may or may not come at no specified point in time as an extra to a product of yet unknown stability and overall quality be a good deal?
GameRager: Calling season passes "seasoned ass"...lolol.....seriously? First people complained about DLC being expensive and that publishers were being greedy so they made season passes for people to get a good deal & people still complain?
grviper: Good deal? How the heck $20 for we don't know what, that may or may not come at no specified point in time as an extra to a product of yet unknown stability and overall quality be a good deal?
Totally agree.

I want extra content, and I'm more than willing to pay for it if it has a certain quality (such as Dragon Age Awakening, Dragonborn, Dawnguard etc), but I want to know what I'm buying.

"Season pass" makes me think "chopped up game".
GameRager: Calling season passes "seasoned ass"...lolol.....seriously? First people complained about DLC being expensive and that publishers were being greedy so they made season passes for people to get a good deal & people still complain?
grviper: Good deal? How the heck $20 for we don't know what, that may or may not come at no specified point in time as an extra to a product of yet unknown stability and overall quality be a good deal?
I meant the season passes where they specify what one will be getting and possibly when.
steam indie spring sale until march 29. being indie I haven't heard of alot of them but I'm sure many of them are good .
(including terreria is $2.5 on steam(this game is worth getting I think from reviews? but they mention servers is this still good?))
Post edited March 21, 2013 by pseudonarne
grviper: Good deal? How the heck $20 for we don't know what, that may or may not come at no specified point in time as an extra to a product of yet unknown stability and overall quality be a good deal?
GameRager: I meant the season passes where they specify what one will be getting and possibly when.
do any of them do that though? borderlands 2 didn't.dlc u get is great value but new char dlc won't be included in season pass for some reason where mechromancer was
grviper: Have the pre-order figures dropped that badly? What's up with this bioshock pushing?
haven't checked but very few sites seem to be selling the game by itself without the extra crap, which I would have thought dropped the price to something decent around 35 to 40 range that many AAA usually end up launching at (GMG pricing on pre orders ie tomb raider, borderlands 2 etc)
Post edited March 21, 2013 by nijuu
Nuuvem :

Omerta - City of Gangsters 75% off $10 ( Steam version )
Post edited March 21, 2013 by ne_zavarj
nijuu: Do any of them do that though? Borderlands 2 didn't. Dlc u get is great value but new char dlc won't be included in season pass for some reason where mechromancer was
Well episodic game passes usually do, for one.
high rated
Holy frumpled tailcoats, Batman! HUGE discount on the Total War Grandmaster Collection!

I'd get it, but I already have all of Rome, Medieval, Napoleon and Empire, and I'm not that interested in Total War Battles. Viking: Battle For Asgard looks interesting, but I don't really need it. But lord, I want to have Shogun 2 and Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai so bad! Not enough money, though... got only half that to spend on things. :(

I'd strike up a deal with a friend who wants to have some of these games too, get the Shogun 2 games and DLC in return for a gift for him, but he's out of cash at the moment as well. This comes at the worst possible time.
high rated
MorphysLaw: But lord, I want to have Shogun 2 and Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai so bad!
Maybe they're milking the "whole" series packs because they're are about to drop Shogun 2 Gold into online stores?
ne_zavarj: Nuuvem :

Omerta - City of Gangsters 75% off $10 ( Steam version )
Thought I would like to get this , but ... I don't understand Spanish :(
MorphysLaw: But lord, I want to have Shogun 2 and Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai so bad!
grviper: Maybe they're milking the "whole" series packs because they're are about to drop Shogun 2 Gold into online stores?
Most likely. I'll probably have to wait until Shogun 2 Gold goes on sale itself to be able to get the games. And I'm assuming Shogun 2 Gold doesn't include all the DLC. :I
ne_zavarj: Nuuvem :

Omerta - City of Gangsters 75% off $10 ( Steam version )
summitus: Thought I would like to get this , but ... I don't understand Spanish :(
That's Portuguese
nijuu: Do any of them do that though? Borderlands 2 didn't. Dlc u get is great value but new char dlc won't be included in season pass for some reason where mechromancer was
GameRager: Well episodic game passes usually do, for one.
They arent really the same though. Yes seen episodic game passes - they have to tell you otherwise you wont buy it if you know further episodes are guaranteeed. With season passes (the majority out right now) - gives your discount on DLC content but you have zero idea what and how many there will be :(
ne_zavarj: Nuuvem :

Omerta - City of Gangsters 75% off $10 ( Steam version )
summitus: Thought I would like to get this , but ... I don't understand Spanish :(
Site is in portugese. Use chrome and its auto translate. Just be aware you can only have 1 copy per account. Games that is in general on there
Post edited March 21, 2013 by nijuu