Shure: You sir are a star, thank you very much for that info :)
Kingdoms of Amalur is freakin' huge. I'm 65 hours into it and have only managed to travel to about half the areas so far. There are a shit-ton of quests, although most are the 'fetch/kill x amount of this' variety, but some of the main ones are quite good, and even some of the side quests have a twist now and then. Everything is voiced, except the protagonist. Gorgeous environments, and I find the combat a lot of fun (I'm playing an assassin/rogue type). I love waltzing in and poison-stunning a group of monsters, then chopping them to little pieces or waiting until a small group is all facing away from me, then sneaking in and one-shot assassinating them one by one. Some of the finishing moves are pretty awesome.
Sorry for the ramble, but holy crap the game is big. Anyway, yeah the game is well worth picking up for a decent sale price (I got it plus the two DLCs for 17 bucks and I already feel I've gotten my money's worth).