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Hearts of Iron III Collection is 75% off today.
orcishgamer: You know, I'm happy you're expressing dissatisfaction with their less than stellar decisions, it's deserved. But as companies go Amazon really is top notch, here's one of their new programs:

They don't have to do much of the shit they do, they'd still be a juggernaut, but the fact is they do and it's not fair to only point out the one or two negative examples over and over again while ignoring all the, frankly, fucking amazingly awesome shit they do too.

I'm sorry, Amazon's few shortcomings are worth fixing, rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, they're way closer to the ideal company than most.
Bloodygoodgames: There are deal breakers to me and Amazon's shutting down WikiLeaks servers after being pressured by the US government was the one that broke the camels back. Before that, they were an average company (never had any major problems with them, never had any stellar customer service either -- just average).

But, once they shut down WikiLeaks, in an attempt to stop people being able to read about what illegal things the US government and other governments around the world were doing because the US government asked them to, I was done with them. Haven't shopped there since. Never will.
Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, you aren't giving them the credit for the excellent programs they've initiated, adding tons of features to Prime at no extra cost (including free video streaming and free book lending/borrowing for your Kindle, even good/popular stuff for both), even allowing way too many freeloaders on it. They literally have surprisingly few exceptions to their 2 day free shipping (one day discounted upgrades), I one day shipped a TV and a 20 pound toaster oven for 4 dollars (the normal upgrade price for switching to one day from free 2 day). They've refunded everything I've asked, including a graphic novel that could easily have been read by me in a day, and call back in less than 60 seconds when asked, with someone you can understand and who is helpful. They pay their employees above industry average and have heavily invested in robotics research for their warehouses both to make them more efficient and protect their employees. They pioneered the lowest cost, most powerful (at the time) Android tablet by far, and even use their server infrastructure to pre-process webpages to make it blazing fast (all for free), they single handedly made e-Ink an actual "thing" in the consumer product realm (yes, the other manufacturers' products were flops). Oh yeah, who can forget self publishing and vanity publishing for the masses?

I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of shit. But go ahead and dislike them for doing one thing you didn't like (I bet you still use your Visa or Mastercard, though, huh?).

If that's an average company sign me the fuck up for average companies.
Post edited July 24, 2012 by orcishgamer
p_mamusz: Usually i dont promote russian sites, but i cant resist now:
So russian market version of the site, the international .com site only sells russian games) is having a Mass Effect 3/Battlefield 3 50% off sale till July 30.
The FUCK is this?
Bloodygoodgames: There are deal breakers to me and Amazon's shutting down WikiLeaks servers after being pressured by the US government was the one that broke the camels back. Before that, they were an average company (never had any major problems with them, never had any stellar customer service either -- just average).

But, once they shut down WikiLeaks, in an attempt to stop people being able to read about what illegal things the US government and other governments around the world were doing because the US government asked them to, I was done with them. Haven't shopped there since. Never will.
orcishgamer: Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, you aren't giving them the credit for the excellent programs they've initiated, adding tons of features to Prime at no extra cost (including free video streaming and free book lending/borrowing for your Kindle, even good/popular stuff for both), even allowing way too many freeloaders on it. They literally have surprisingly few exceptions to their 2 day free shipping (one day discounted upgrades), I one day shipped a TV and a 20 pound toaster oven for 4 dollars (the normal upgrade price for switching to one day from free 2 day). They've refunded everything I've asked, including a graphic novel that could easily have been read by me in a day, and call back in less than 60 seconds when asked, with someone you can understand and who is helpful. They pay their employees above industry average and have heavily invested in robotics research for their warehouses both to make them more efficient and protect their employees. They pioneered the lowest cost, most powerful (at the time) Android tablet by far, and even use their server infrastructure to pre-process webpages to make it blazing fast (all for free), they single handedly made e-Ink an actual "thing" in the consumer product realm (yes, the other manufacturers' products were flops). Oh yeah, who can forget self publishing and vanity publishing for the masses?

I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of shit. But go ahead and dislike them for doing one thing you didn't like (I bet you still use your Visa or Mastercard, though, huh?).

If that's an average company sign me the fuck up for average companies.
Like I said, shutting down WikiLeaks - deal breaker :)

Couldn't care less about the other stuff, as I can buy everything they sell elsewhere.

And no, don't use Visa or Mastercard. In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one. I'm completely debt-free, pay everything in cash (easy to do in Thailand and most places in Europe I travel to) or with Pay Pal. Love it. Haven't had a credit card in 5 years. Never missed them.
Bloodygoodgames: Like I said, shutting down WikiLeaks - deal breaker :)

Couldn't care less about the other stuff, as I can buy everything they sell elsewhere.

And no, don't use Visa or Mastercard. In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one. I'm completely debt-free, pay everything in cash (easy to do in Thailand and most places in Europe I travel to) or with Pay Pal. Love it. Haven't had a credit card in 5 years. Never missed them.
PayPal and WikiLeaks... doesn't that ring a bell somewhere? ;-)
p_mamusz: Usually i dont promote russian sites, but i cant resist now:
So russian market version of the site, the international .com site only sells russian games) is having a Mass Effect 3/Battlefield 3 50% off sale till July 30.
grviper: The FUCK is this?
I already wrote to the Humble Support about this and they are investigating the issue. But one thing is clear, not everything is ok around so I stay away from them.
Post edited July 24, 2012 by gyokzoli
Last Remnant is $3.74 on GreenManGamin (steam version)
Bloodygoodgames: Like I said, shutting down WikiLeaks - deal breaker :)

Couldn't care less about the other stuff, as I can buy everything they sell elsewhere.

And no, don't use Visa or Mastercard. In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one. I'm completely debt-free, pay everything in cash (easy to do in Thailand and most places in Europe I travel to) or with Pay Pal. Love it. Haven't had a credit card in 5 years. Never missed them.
etna87: PayPal and WikiLeaks... doesn't that ring a bell somewhere? ;-)
Yep. :) I hate, hate, hate PayPal and wouldn't use them either but three of my main clients in Japan and Hong Kong will only pay with PP, so I've had no choic they provide 50 percent of my income :). If it wasn't for that, I would have ditched them too, as they were worse than Amazon with what they did to WikiLeaks.

Some stuff you don't have a choice with, unfortunately, but I do have a choice with Amazon :)
Post edited July 24, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
Bloodygoodgames: In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one.
I don't think that's wise not to have a credit card, but maybe things are different in Thailand. What would you do in case of emergencies? Is your credit score good? Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a loan without high interest rates or purchase a house with a decent mortgage.
keeveek: Last Remnant is $3.74 on GreenManGamin (steam version)
I see $8.99 here in the USA. Still a good deal though.
Well, I was a little late with annoucement, it was 24 hour deal that ended by now.
Best Buy has AC: Revelations brand new for $9.99. (consoles only)

Bloodygoodgames: In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one.
Roslavets: I don't think that's wise not to have a credit card, but maybe things are different in Thailand. What would you do in case of emergencies? Is your credit score good? Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a loan without high interest rates or purchase a house with a decent mortgage.
LOL, that's an American way of looking at things :)

I've no interest in ever getting a loan. What would I need one for? I have money. And, in case of emergencies, I use my money :)

I also have no interest in buying a house. Never have had. I move around too much, so will never tie myself down with property. Plus, all the people I know who own houses never have any money, because it all gets spent on their house.

And as far as credit score goes, you only need that if you get loans or buy houses, LOL. Have no idea what my credit score is anymore. Have had no interest in it since I left the US as, in 10 years, I've had no need for it. I don't ever plan on living in the US again either, so my US credit score is worthless anyway.

You might be surprised to learn that, outside of America, much of the world doesn't have a credit score or, even if they do, doesn't care what it is. Unfortunately, the Visa companies etc. have everybody so convinced you need to buy into their services. You don't. In fact, most of my friends don't have credit cards either and have no interest in ever getting one. Why? So they can pay interest or fees to Visa or Mastercard, when they already have money to buy what they want.

I think that's, unfortunately, the American way of looking at things and it's transferred to a lot of other people in the world. Buy, buy, buy, always be in debt and, when you need help, get a loan. That's what's got American in the mess it's in today as most of the population is in debt. I haven't had any debt in more than 15 years, just lots and lots of savings. I highly recommend it :)
Tallima: Best Buy has AC: Revelations brand new for $9.99. (consoles only)

Holy long links Batman!!!