SillyHollow: XIII on GamersGate for €4.95
I've noticed this too, GG added Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Lockdown, XIII and Cold Fear. I do hope that Ubi
releases the remaining games here on GOG. Gundato: For the record: OFP: Dragon Rising is NOT an Operation Flashpoint game, so don't get it if you are looking for one of those.
What it is, is a Delta Force game. And a very fun one at that :p
And Just Cause 2 is 10% off on Steam. Probably just going to pre-order it that way, since it looks like DLC will be hell in a handbasket to get for the US (and the only ones I wanted were the agency hovercraft and the skull parachute, both of which suggest that there will be other hovercrafts and other parachute flavors in the game :p).
Yep, EVERYONE knows that the real successor for OFP is ArmA (armed assault), and the recently released sequel ArmA2. :p
JC2 may look pretty, but I don't see what the fun is in that game, with infinite parachutes and using grappling hooks on every damn second. I'll wait until it reaches $15 and buy the first game together, just to experience them as sandbox games. A "similar" that I still have to play is that game Boiling Point: Road to Hell.