HereForTheBeer: Disagree. It's also important to get the viewpoint of people who may not be familiar with "the rules" of a genre. For instance, I might decide someday to dive into adventure games, but if I follow only the advice of people who are long-time adventure game players then I'll miss the perspective of other new players like me, looking into the genre with fresh eyes.
dtgreene: Here's the thing: As a long-time fan of the RPG genre, when somebody docks points from an RPG for being an RPG, there is a problem.
It's not much different, IMO, from docking points for characteristics of a game that are not true. For instance, I once saw a review of Final Fantasy Legend that criticized the game for restricting where you can save. That would be a valid criticism if it were correct; only problem is, the game actually *does* let yo save anywhere, hence the criticism is based on an incorrect claim.
Yes and no. If it's just a score and no write-up to go along with it, sure, that's a problem. If the reviewer spells out her or his own objections with it, then it's not a problem. If a reviewer misses a feature, that's not necessarily because that person doesn't understand the genre; it's simply that a technical detail was missed.
Take it over to another genre, the wargame. If only hardcore grognards are the ones we should listen to, then we miss the viewpoint of the person dipping their toes into wargaming for the first time - someone to whom a fair number of review readers might relate. Suppose a reviewer can beat the huge-scale Grigsby games with one mouse hand tied behind their back and writes a scathing review of a much simpler title. Do we consider that review to be gospel because the reviewer has a lot of experience in wargames, or instead is the perspective skewed by that experience? His boredom might be the perfect genre entry for the new player.
Games players aren't all grognards or full-on RPG aficionados, and the opinions of the genre 'experts' aren't the only opinions worth considering. If I'm a new player in a genre, I'd like to hear how other new players see the title in question - because those are the same fresh eyes I'm going to be playing it with. And that's in addition to the other reviews.
Between you and me and anyone else reading, I could do away with scores and just stick to the text of a review. But hey, that's not how we humans work - we love to rank things. : )