Posted December 10, 2021

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Registered: Jul 2011
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RIding on the storm
Registered: Mar 2020
From Paraguay
Posted December 11, 2021
I am seriously thinking of quitting Immortal Redneck. The roguelite concept is too frustrating. I'm getting my ass handed everytime with too little gold so I am unable to boost my player. I'm dying with too little gold earned so I am the same underpowered loser who dies and dies again. Not funny. Too bad because the game works great on Linux.
I should have quit Firewatch. The game was OK so far, but the ending was absolute crap. See my review at the game page for the juicy details on what I think of this craptastic piece of smelly dog poo. Again, too bad that the game runs great on linux.
I found Exiled Kingdoms too primitive. so I find it difficult to return to it.
Warhammer: Fire Warrior got too frustrating. I got cornered with no ammo, little health, and 3 Space Marines wating outside to ambush me. No way to go back or forward. So, not interested in continuing it.
Red Faction 2 is quite a piece of work. From my review:
The aspect ratio is not optimized for 16:9 screens. The graphics looks distorted and (even more) cartoonish in a bad way. You can download a tool that supposedly fixes this but then (a) it doesn't seem to do anything, (b) you must run it every time you plan to play the game and keep that tool running, and (c) you must do it with admin rights. Seriously?!?
- No quicksaves. What were they thinking?
A New Beginning was too preachy in something I don't believe, the pixel hunting was extremely boring, and the puzzles were even more so.
I should have quit Firewatch. The game was OK so far, but the ending was absolute crap. See my review at the game page for the juicy details on what I think of this craptastic piece of smelly dog poo. Again, too bad that the game runs great on linux.
I found Exiled Kingdoms too primitive. so I find it difficult to return to it.
Warhammer: Fire Warrior got too frustrating. I got cornered with no ammo, little health, and 3 Space Marines wating outside to ambush me. No way to go back or forward. So, not interested in continuing it.
Red Faction 2 is quite a piece of work. From my review:
The aspect ratio is not optimized for 16:9 screens. The graphics looks distorted and (even more) cartoonish in a bad way. You can download a tool that supposedly fixes this but then (a) it doesn't seem to do anything, (b) you must run it every time you plan to play the game and keep that tool running, and (c) you must do it with admin rights. Seriously?!?
- No quicksaves. What were they thinking?

Is it someone new?
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted December 11, 2021
I may give it another go, but I tried it for around 30 minutes and I felt like I was fighting against the controls.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Other
Posted December 11, 2021

I'd recommend trying again; I thought they nailed the feel of slithering around as a tentacle-y mass and tossing puny humans around like rag dolls. :) I think you just need to be moderately familiar with twin-stick style controls. I thought it could have been a little harder, but definitely worth playing. Anyway thanks for bringing this up since I see they have some DLC (but included in the game) added last year that I didn't know existed.

RIding on the storm
Registered: Mar 2020
From Paraguay
Posted December 11, 2021
About Immortal Redneck:
eric5h5: It's an excellent game I wasn't aware of until a month or so ago. You're not playing with a gamepad I hope? It kinda needs mouse/keyboard. Skill in the game probably matters more than leveling up stuff in the skill tree (I like that it's a literal tree :) ), so practicing at getting better will get you further than grinding stats. I beat the game and then spent a decent amount of time in the post-game, still occasionally finding a new room/scroll/weapon that I hadn't seen before. Eventually I got about as far as I probably can; at that point my health stat was around 27 or 28 (out of 75). I'd suggest prioritizing points in attack over health/defense..."a good offense is a good defense" is a cliche that applies quite well here. Also get the extra jump. I concur; it's an excellent game. I'm not playing with a gamepad, but with a mouse/keyboard. Stil I find it too difficult. Oh well, I hate grinding so much and in this game grinding gives me nothing.
Thanks for the stats suggestion. If I ever end up with enough gold to spend, I'll take your advice.

Thanks for the stats suggestion. If I ever end up with enough gold to spend, I'll take your advice.
Post edited December 11, 2021 by thegreyshadow

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Australia
Posted December 22, 2021
Final Fantasy X-2
After going back to true turn based combat in FF X, I assumed that X-2 would be more of the same. But no, they went back to the ATB system that I disliked so much from earlier games. I don't why they didn't just stay with the combat from X which was the best in any Final Fantasy I've played. Turn based FF is good, real time FF like XII and XV is good too, but ATB is pointless- it lacks the strategy of real turn based, but is still slower than true real time combat. I'm guessing I probably won't like FF XIII either.
After going back to true turn based combat in FF X, I assumed that X-2 would be more of the same. But no, they went back to the ATB system that I disliked so much from earlier games. I don't why they didn't just stay with the combat from X which was the best in any Final Fantasy I've played. Turn based FF is good, real time FF like XII and XV is good too, but ATB is pointless- it lacks the strategy of real turn based, but is still slower than true real time combat. I'm guessing I probably won't like FF XIII either.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Czech Republic
Posted December 23, 2021
Realms of the Haunting
I did something, not knowing what, why and where beat first 7 chapters, but it did not improve in time. Some levels are so unbelievable dark, that I had to increase gamma so much, that it broke colours.
I did something, not knowing what, why and where beat first 7 chapters, but it did not improve in time. Some levels are so unbelievable dark, that I had to increase gamma so much, that it broke colours.

Casualty. Casualties!
Registered: Nov 2018
From Spain
Posted December 23, 2021
Killer is dead
At third level, it didn't catch me as killer 7 or No more heroes, guess when the protagonist doesn't have corny, edgy or inmature lines i can't stand the weird settlement.
At third level, it didn't catch me as killer 7 or No more heroes, guess when the protagonist doesn't have corny, edgy or inmature lines i can't stand the weird settlement.

Keane survivor
Registered: Nov 2013
From Canada
Posted January 02, 2022