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I'm enjoying this very much (thanks again, Poppy) and I'm wondering if there are any other good games with a similar mechanic to this one.

I found this thread here:
but it's not really what I want.

The suggestions in that thread seem to be focused more on the quasi-Orwellian totalitarian dystopian setting. What I want is the general game mechanic: you make a discrete number of choices over a series of time periods (days/years/turns...) and the choices you make affect the actions of next days as well as your general state. It could be set in the Happy Land of Bunnies and Unicorns for all I care.

From the looks of it, King of Dragon Pass could be that type of game. It's in my library already and soon-to-be-played list.

If you want another example of what I'm looking for, it's most of the strongholds (e.g. bard's theater or fighter's castle) in Baldur's Gate 2. Every period of time you have to make discrete decisions regarding some choices and when the next period comes you suffer/benefit from the consequences. Though of course in BG2 those are rather short.

Note that I'm not looking for simulators where decisions are made in a continuous manner (e.g. a theater simulator where you constantly hire/fire actors and other staff, rent/buy property, set plays, manage advertising... etc).
I haven't played it, but could Reigns be such a game? It sounds a bit like it.
Beat Cop is exactly what you're looking for. There may be an armed robbery down the street, but you gotta double that quota for traffic tickets in order to pay the bills, so you better start busting people for minor parking infractions.
If I get the idea right, Banner Saga games are what you are looking for. Also, Dead in Vinland or Gods Will Be Watching
Not Tonight



Not Tonight is a post-Brexit management game, fusing a time-pressure RPG with a politically charged story where every decision matters. Will you join the resistance and fight the regime -- or keep your head down and hope that one day this will all be a distant memory?

Man the doors of pubs, clubs, festivals and parties, finding work via the BouncR app
Check IDs, manage guestlists, and stop revellers from becoming unruly
Upgrade your apartment, bouncer and equipment to better prepare yourself for the future
Decide what lengths you'll go to in order to survive in a Britain on the verge of collapse

Take that for what you will - alpha gameplay
Post edited August 02, 2018 by Bigs
Nobody mentioned The Westport Independent?! The game is clearly influenced by Papers, Please but still different enough to be entertaining.

There was some browser game about medieval shop which clearly stated that it was supposed to be similar to Papers, Please. It was not far from perfect but not bad either. Forgot the name though...
EDIT: Apocashop Yeah, I know it sounds totally silly but it's not that bad, honestly!
Post edited August 02, 2018 by Ghorpm
The Westport Independent is a cl... very similar game to Republia Times, a small game that comes bundled with Papers, Please. A nice choice if you just finished the later and are in the mood of some extra playing...
Ghorpm: There was some browser game about medieval shop which clearly stated that it was supposed to be similar to Papers, Please. It was not far from perfect but not bad either. Forgot the name though...
EDIT: Apocashop Yeah, I know it sounds totally silly but it's not that bad, honestly!
Hey, this is actually pretty cool.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
This is the Police 1 (and the just released This is the Police 2) - belong here, too. At least in term of atmosphere / feeling / thematic connections and storytelling [what you do does have - some; not to the extent as in Papers, Please - effect later] even if the overall Gameplay is different.
Post edited August 02, 2018 by Mnemon
Ghorpm: There was some browser game about medieval shop which clearly stated that it was supposed to be similar to Papers, Please. It was not far from perfect but not bad either. Forgot the name though...
EDIT: Apocashop Yeah, I know it sounds totally silly but it's not that bad, honestly!
ZFR: Hey, this is actually pretty cool.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
You are welcome :D
fronzelneekburm: Beat Cop is exactly what you're looking for. There may be an armed robbery down the street, but you gotta double that quota for traffic tickets in order to pay the bills, so you better start busting people for minor parking infractions.
Seconding Beat Cop. Increasingly complicated check lists of details to examine before you can issue valid fines, having to choose between doing what's right and what's right for you, time pressure so you can only do a certain amount of things each day, some of those thongs being tied into a few storylines, and moral choices like "Should I take this bribe or issue the ticket?"

Definitely hit that Papers, Please vibe for me.
ZFR: I'm enjoying this very much (thanks again, Poppy) and I'm wondering if there are any other good games with a similar mechanic to this one.

I found this thread here:
but it's not really what I want.

The suggestions in that thread seem to be focused more on the quasi-Orwellian totalitarian dystopian setting. What I want is the general game mechanic: you make a discrete number of choices over a series of time periods (days/years/turns...) and the choices you make affect the actions of next days as well as your general state. It could be set in the Happy Land of Bunnies and Unicorns for all I care.

From the looks of it, King of Dragon Pass could be that type of game. It's in my library already and soon-to-be-played list.

If you want another example of what I'm looking for, it's most of the strongholds (e.g. bard's theater or fighter's castle) in Baldur's Gate 2. Every period of time you have to make discrete decisions regarding some choices and when the next period comes you suffer/benefit from the consequences. Though of course in BG2 those are rather short.

Note that I'm not looking for simulators where decisions are made in a continuous manner (e.g. a theater simulator where you constantly hire/fire actors and other staff, rent/buy property, set plays, manage advertising... etc).
This is the Police is such a game, as is I suppose the new sequel.
EDIT: It is similar to the aforementioned Beat Cop.
Post edited August 02, 2018 by paladin181
Papers please is very addictive & superoriginal. I dunno if there is any other quite like that. riot civil unrest has very nice concept and is educational. I sorta liked.
Post edited August 03, 2018 by DarkTheRaven
ZFR: ...What I want is the general game mechanic: you make a discrete number of choices over a series of time periods (days/years/turns...) and the choices you make affect the actions of next days as well as your general state. It could be set in the Happy Land of Bunnies and Unicorns for all I care.
Well it's just a short browser game about settling a new planet, but it's surprisingly well done and fits that criteria very well:
Out of The Box - "Papers, Please" as a club bouncer.