Geralt_of_Rivia: You have no idea what kids nowadays are capable of. I played and finished games that were literally Nintendo hard when I was only 1-2 years older and kids today start playing on consoles a lot earlier than I did.
Perhaps. I've also seen footage of kids who couldn't beat glass Joe on Punch-Out.
I have vague memories of being 5 years old, and playing
some atari games, like Joust and the like. I can't recall being very good. With Ori & the blind Forrest, I can see the background being too busy that they would have information overload when it's not in the forefront of what's actually going on.
I'd happily give them some tests to see if they would do well. Like the intro level to
MMX, which is a great level and combinations of skills required that nearly all other games employ.
Still putting kids on games so early could be a problem. I remember playing with Dominos and Uno cards by myself for hours and hours, making my own little stories or building little towers. Indoctrinating them into games and computers so young could also be a bad thing.