For a bunch of reasons I finally decided to grab Jets'n'Guns Gold as well as its relatively new sequel on Steam yesterday and already beat the former.
I was a massive fan of the original Jets'n'Guns back in the day, beating it dozens of times (until the difficulty stopped increasing, I think). It instantly replaced Tyrian as my favourite RPGish shoot 'em up game back then which the developer actually cited as one of the main inspirations and it shows. I loved the gameplay, the graphics, the humor and of course the absolutely awesome soundtrack by Machinae Supremacy.
Then I tried the supposedly improved Gold version a few years later and I just couldn't enjoy it and didn't get all that far. I didn't like the changes and also the new levels felt kinda off to me. The Gold version also seemed much more difficult than I remembered the original version. But chances are that the game also simply hadn't aged all that well. Now I've finally beaten the whole thing and I still feel like I preferred the original version (which you sadly can't get anywhere digitally but luckily I still have it lying around somewhere).
Anyway, JnG is an absolutely bonkers retro shoot 'em up game. Like Tyrian it's heavily driven by ship customization and it actually puts Tyrian to shame in terms of options. There's a plethora of upgradeable weapons for different slots alongside over a dozen of other upgrades like armor and speed but also other stuff like a device that allows hacking certain enemies or a "rotary cage" that allows aiming your guns. And I think the Gold version introduced different ships.
So, the thing is that JnG is a pretty great RPGish game where you can create a crapload of different builds and that's the main joy here: experimenting with the different possible ship configurations and finding the ones that kick ass the most or will at least make a particular level easier. On one hand that's pretty awesome and it can be super satisfying to find a build that makes an almost unbeatable level a walk in the park. The problem is that JnG isn't really a great shoot 'em up game. The levels and many enemies aren't designed that well, especially some of the bosses are just infuriating, and also the balancing feels all over the place. Generally the thing about the game is that it doesn't really support precision and strategy in its core shmup gameplay all that much. The builds feel far more significant.
Much like Tyrian it's one of those shmups where you can generally take a ton of punishment. There's usually tons of projectiles on the screen but you generally only really need to worry about the big ones or colliding with enemies and walls. The problem is that I feel that the game is very inconsistent in this stuff and there's a crapload of noise that makes it difficult to react to the significant things because of all the lesser crap. The game absolutely loves particles, especially from your own guns, and they tend to drown out a lot of the important stuff that you need to look out for. I didn't remember having this problem quite as much in the past, maybe because younger me had better eyesight or something, and also this time I did manage to get used to it after a while but still, it's a bit of a mess.
Also, back in the day I found the game to be gorgeous, the best-looking shmup even. It has these 90s style pre-rendered graphics and the artist must have put an insane amount of effort into them. There's a ton of unique enemy designs, environmental elements and also purely decorative objects. And the amount of detail on them is mind-blowing BUT the art style certainly contributes to the game's "noise" problem. I appreciated all the detail in the past but now I find the game to look a bit cheap overall and especially have a problem with how difficult it makes it to recognise stuff.
All that said: I still kinda love the game. You can feel that it was an absolute passion project for its developers through and through, with so many crazy ideas everywhere, most of them not contributing much the game as such but adding to its charme. And it does have a badass feel and is all in all very satisfying. But in retrospect it is very janky so if you're considering to play the game: be prepared for that. Oh yeah, and it doesn't take itself seriously at all, a bit too little for my taste (especially the Gold version) and some of the humor is a bit controversial to say the least.
Post edited June 18, 2022 by F4LL0UT