Posted January 03, 2021

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted January 03, 2021

I had read that this DLC is much better but frankly I'd call it a draw - each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. Lost in Nightmares lets you play through the events that lead to Jill's death / disappearance (not a big spoiler as that part's revealed very early into RE5). I've always been very curious about this DLC since it obviously differs immensely from the base game in terms of setting, taking place in the Spencer Estate (the same location as in the original Resident Evil) before any of the base game's enemies have appeared in the RE universe.
And it's indeed very interesting how the developers handled a bonus chapter that has an entirely different setting than the base game. A big portion of the DLC is frankly pure fan service - for a while you just walk around areas from the original game in "actual 3D!", solve a few basic puzzles and stumble upon a bunch of homages to very memorable moments from RE1. You won't encounter Majini nor actual zombies here but there's a pretty decent new enemy type that's fitting to the Spencer Estate and you get one highly custom encounter here that's just a joy to play in coop (and I have no idea how this one works in single player as it requires pretty tight coordination between both players).
Besides that one encounter the gameplay of this brief DLC (about one hour) isn't particularly great but it's an enjoyable change from the everything else in RE5. It doesn't really extend the story in any meaningful way but fans should appreciate it out of nostalgia alone. I certainly did.

< D >
New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted January 03, 2021
2020 List Part 1
2020 List Part 2
2020 List Part 3
Games Finished in 2021:
001. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (レイトン教授と不思議な町 (Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi)) (Level-5) (2007) (NDS)
002. Alyssa's Quest (Carmel Games) (2015) (Linux)
003. Anita 1: Anita's Job (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
004. Anita 2: Anita's Camp (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
005. Back in Time 1 (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
006. Back in Time 2: Back to the Nineties (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
007. Cap'n Marcela 1: Parrot Charmer (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
008. Cap'n Marcela 2: Winter Wonderland (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
009. Cody's Nightmare Vacation (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
010. Detective Sir Biscuit in: Green Burger Mystery (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
011. Family Funday (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
012. Freak Out Kid Freaking Out (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
013. Fun in the Sun (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
014. Habla Kadabla (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
015. Crystal Rose Divine 1: Into the Wild (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
016. Jerry's Merry Christmas (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
017. Love Burger (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
018. Love Chase (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
019. Luke (Remaster) (Carmel Games) (2012, 2015) (WIN)
020. Maplewood Junior High 1: Multimedia Rocks '96 (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
021. Maplewood Junior High 2 (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
022. Marrakesh Club (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
023. Mermaid City (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
024. Piece of Princess Cake (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
025. Quest for Milkshake (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
026. Ray and Cooper 1 (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
027. Ray and Cooper 2 (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
028. Crystal Rose Divine 2: The Search for the Dahu (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
029. Sinbad's Journey (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
030. Skip Around the World 1: Finland (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
031. Skip Around the World 2: India (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
032. Smells Like Art (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
033. Snowday! (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
034. Space on the Case (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
035. Story of Brewster Chipptooth, The (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
036. Tales of Carmelot: The Missing Pot of Gold (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
037. Tammy Jo Superstar (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
038. Tom's Cruise (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
039. Kaptain Brawe Episode 1: A Brawe New World (Cateia Games) (2010) (WIN)
040. Kaptain Brawe Episode 2: Journey to Space (Cateia Games) (2011) (WIN)
041. Kaptain Brawe: An Unexpected Intermission (Cateia Games) (2014) (WIN)
042. Nelly Cootalot 1: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! (Remaster) (Alasdair Beckett-King) (2007, 2019) (WIN)
043. Old Man's Journey (Broken Rules Interactive) (2017) (WIN)
044. X-Files, The: Deep State – Season 2: Episode 1 – Derailed (Creative Mobile) (2018) (AND)
045. 1953: KGB Unleashed (a.k.a. Phobos 1953) (Phantomery Interactive) (2010) (WIN)
046. EcoQuest 1: The Search for Cetus (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1991, 1992) (DOS)
047. Gadget: Invention, Travel & Adventure (ガジェット) (Synergy) (1993) (WIN)
048. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (LucasArts) (1989) (DOS)
049. Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (LucasArts) (1988) (FMT)
050. Gadget: Past As Future (ガジェット) (Remaster) (Synergy) (1993, 1997) (WIN)
051. Unavowed (Wadjet Eye Games) (2018) (WIN)
052. Virginia (Variable State) (2016) (WIN)
053. Wanderer, The: Frankenstein's Creature (La Belle Games) (2019) (WIN)
054. Yoda (Legato) (2009) (WIN)
055. Mystery Case Files 19: Moths to a Flame CE (Eipix Entertainment) (2019) (WIN)
056. Leisure Suit Larry 07: Love for Sail (Sierra On-Line) (1996) (WIN)
057. Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1991, 1992) (DOS)
058. DreamWeb (Creative Reality) (1994) (DOS)
059. Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Remaster) (Interplay Productions) (1993, 1995) (DOS)
060. Labyrinth (LucasArts) (1986) (C64)
061. Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1992, 1993) (DOS)
062. Nine Princes in Amber (Telarium) (1985) (AST)
063. Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation (Dynamix) (1993) (DOS)
064. Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (Sierra On-Line) (1995) (DOS)
065. Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter (Remake) (Sierra On-Line) (1986, 1991) (DOS)
066. Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter (Sierra On-Line) (1986) (DOS)
067. Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge (Sierra On-Line) (1987) (DOS)
068. Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon (Sierra On-Line) (1989) (DOS)
069. Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail (Sierra On-Line) (1990) (DOS)
070. Murder on the Zinderneuf (Free Fall Associates) (1983) (A2)
071. Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (Sierra On-Line) (1984) (AMI)
072. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Sierra On-Line) (1987) (A2GS)
073. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Remake 1) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1991) (DOS)
074. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Remake 2) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1991) (DOS)
075. Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe (Remake 3) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1995) (WIN)
076. Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (Sierra On-Line) (1991) (DOS)
077. EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest (Sierra On-Line) (1993) (DOS)
078. Pink Panther 1, The: Passport to Peril (Wanderlust Interactive) (1996) (WIN)
079. Pink Panther 2, The: Hokus Pokus Pink (Wanderlust Interactive) (1998) (WIN)
080. Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds (Humongous Entertainment) (1994) (WIN)
081. Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse (Humongous Entertainment) (1996) (WIN)
082. Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell (Humongous Entertainment) (1998) (WIN)
083. Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch (Humongous Entertainment) (1999) (WIN)
084. Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove (Humongous Entertainment) (2001) (WIN)
085. Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (Humongous Entertainment) (1996) (WIN)
086. Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening (Humongous Entertainment) (1998) (WIN)
087. Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet (Humongous Entertainment) (2000) (WIN)
088. Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff (Humongous Entertainment) (2003) (WIN)
089. Ollo in the Sunny Valley Fair (Hulabee Entertainment) (2002) (WIN)
090. Tales of the Odd: Brain Hotel (Pinhead Games) (2004) (WIN)
091. Young Gabriel King Chronicles, The (Steve McCrea) (2005) (WIN)
092. Christmas Quest 1: The Best Adventure Game Ever! (Adventure Gamers) (2006) (WIN)
093. Beauties and Beasts (MashPotato) (2008) (WIN)
094. Patchwork (Ivan Ulyanov) (2012) (WIN)
095. My Father's Secret (JackPutter) (2020) (WIN)
096. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 1, The: The Vampire's Coffin (Sanctuary Woods) (1992) (WIN)
097. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 2, The: The Last Dinosaur Egg (Sanctuary Woods) (1993) (WIN)
098. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 3, The: The Hypnotic Harp (Sanctuary Woods) (1993) (WIN)
099. Adventures of Willy Beamish, The (Dynamix) (1991) (DOS)
100. Samsara Room (Remaster) (Rusty Lake) (2013, 2020) (WIN)
101. Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Ep. 1, The: A Dreadly Business (Rumpus Animation) (2014) (AND)
102. Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Ep. 2, The: A Bleaker Predicklement (Rumpus Animation) (2017) (WIN)
103. Cruise for a Corpse (Croisiere pour un Cadavre) (Delphine Software) (1991) (DOS)
104. American Tail, An: The Computer Adventures of Fievel and His Friends (Manley & Associates) (1993) (DOS)
105. Akalabeth: World of Doom (Richard Garriott) (1979) (A2)
106. Life of Erich Zann, The (Ben Croshaw) (2019) (WIN)
107. Haunted Mansion (John O’Hare) (1980) (PET)
108. Firework (烟火 (Yānhuǒ)) (Chi) (Shiying Studio) (2021) (WIN)
109. Pink (AugoGames) (2020) (WIN)
110. Zork: Grand Inquisitor (Activision) (1997) (WIN)
111. Baba Yaga (Pastel Games) (2013) (WIN)
112. Bermuda Escape (Pastel Games) (2009) (WIN)
113. Fog Fall 1, The (Pastel Games) (2008) (WIN)
114. Fog Fall 2, The (Pastel Games) (2009) (WIN)
115. Fog Fall 3, The (Pastel Games) (2010) (WIN)
116. Fog Fall 4, The (Pastel Games) (2012) (WIN)
117. Victor Loomes: The Game (Victor Loomes: Das Spiel) (Ger) (Promotion Software) (1993) (DOS)
118. Heart of China (Dynamix) (1991) (DOS)
119. Les Manley 2: Lost in L.A. (Accolade) (1991) (DOS)
120. Lost in Time (Remaster) (Coktel Vision) (1993, 1994) (DOS)
121. Sherlock: The Dark Arts (Marion Poinsot) (2018) (WIN)
122. Owl's Nest (Pastel Games) (2011) (WIN)
123. Tortuga 1 (Pastel Games) (2008) (WIN)
124. Tortuga 2 (Pastel Games) (2014) (WIN)
125. Trader of Stories, The: Bell's Heart (Pastel Games) (2010) (WIN)
126. Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (MPS Labs) (1992) (DOS)
127. Future Wars: Adventures in Time (Les Voyageurs du Temps: La Menace) (Remaster) (Delphine Software) (1989, 1992) (DOS)
128. Time Paradox (Flair Software) (1996) (DOS)
129. Adventure Europe (Abenteuer Europa) (Ger) (Ego Software) (1994) (DOS)
130. Hook (Ocean Software) (1992) (DOS)
131. Plumber Pickle (Pastel Games) (2013) (WIN)
132. Mystery Case Files 20: Black Crown CE (Eipix Entertainment) (2019) (WIN)
133. Mutation of J. B. (Slovak) (Invention) (1996) (DOS)
134. Inspector Gadget: Mission 1 – Global Terror! (Azeroth) (1992) (DOS)
135. Quake 1 Expansion: Ep. 5 – Dimension of the Past (MachineGames) (2016) (WIN)
136. Witch's House MV, The (魔女の家 (Majo no Ie)) (Remaster) (Fummy) (2012, 2018) (WIN)
137. Great Attic Escape (Pastel Games) (2014) (WIN)
138. Veil of Darkness (Event Horizon Software) (1993) (DOS)
139. Midnight Mutants (Radioactive Software) (1990) (A78)
Games Finished in 2021 Part 2
2020 List Part 2
2020 List Part 3
Games Finished in 2021:
001. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (レイトン教授と不思議な町 (Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi)) (Level-5) (2007) (NDS)
002. Alyssa's Quest (Carmel Games) (2015) (Linux)
003. Anita 1: Anita's Job (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
004. Anita 2: Anita's Camp (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
005. Back in Time 1 (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
006. Back in Time 2: Back to the Nineties (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
007. Cap'n Marcela 1: Parrot Charmer (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
008. Cap'n Marcela 2: Winter Wonderland (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
009. Cody's Nightmare Vacation (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
010. Detective Sir Biscuit in: Green Burger Mystery (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
011. Family Funday (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
012. Freak Out Kid Freaking Out (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
013. Fun in the Sun (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
014. Habla Kadabla (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
015. Crystal Rose Divine 1: Into the Wild (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
016. Jerry's Merry Christmas (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
017. Love Burger (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
018. Love Chase (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
019. Luke (Remaster) (Carmel Games) (2012, 2015) (WIN)
020. Maplewood Junior High 1: Multimedia Rocks '96 (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
021. Maplewood Junior High 2 (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
022. Marrakesh Club (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
023. Mermaid City (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
024. Piece of Princess Cake (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
025. Quest for Milkshake (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
026. Ray and Cooper 1 (Carmel Games) (2013) (WIN)
027. Ray and Cooper 2 (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
028. Crystal Rose Divine 2: The Search for the Dahu (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
029. Sinbad's Journey (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
030. Skip Around the World 1: Finland (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
031. Skip Around the World 2: India (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
032. Smells Like Art (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
033. Snowday! (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
034. Space on the Case (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
035. Story of Brewster Chipptooth, The (Carmel Games) (2016) (WIN)
036. Tales of Carmelot: The Missing Pot of Gold (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
037. Tammy Jo Superstar (Carmel Games) (2015) (WIN)
038. Tom's Cruise (Carmel Games) (2014) (WIN)
039. Kaptain Brawe Episode 1: A Brawe New World (Cateia Games) (2010) (WIN)
040. Kaptain Brawe Episode 2: Journey to Space (Cateia Games) (2011) (WIN)
041. Kaptain Brawe: An Unexpected Intermission (Cateia Games) (2014) (WIN)
042. Nelly Cootalot 1: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! (Remaster) (Alasdair Beckett-King) (2007, 2019) (WIN)
043. Old Man's Journey (Broken Rules Interactive) (2017) (WIN)
044. X-Files, The: Deep State – Season 2: Episode 1 – Derailed (Creative Mobile) (2018) (AND)
045. 1953: KGB Unleashed (a.k.a. Phobos 1953) (Phantomery Interactive) (2010) (WIN)
046. EcoQuest 1: The Search for Cetus (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1991, 1992) (DOS)
047. Gadget: Invention, Travel & Adventure (ガジェット) (Synergy) (1993) (WIN)
048. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (LucasArts) (1989) (DOS)
049. Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (LucasArts) (1988) (FMT)
050. Gadget: Past As Future (ガジェット) (Remaster) (Synergy) (1993, 1997) (WIN)
051. Unavowed (Wadjet Eye Games) (2018) (WIN)
052. Virginia (Variable State) (2016) (WIN)
053. Wanderer, The: Frankenstein's Creature (La Belle Games) (2019) (WIN)
054. Yoda (Legato) (2009) (WIN)
055. Mystery Case Files 19: Moths to a Flame CE (Eipix Entertainment) (2019) (WIN)
056. Leisure Suit Larry 07: Love for Sail (Sierra On-Line) (1996) (WIN)
057. Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1991, 1992) (DOS)
058. DreamWeb (Creative Reality) (1994) (DOS)
059. Star Trek: Judgment Rites (Remaster) (Interplay Productions) (1993, 1995) (DOS)
060. Labyrinth (LucasArts) (1986) (C64)
061. Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra (Remaster) (Sierra On-Line) (1992, 1993) (DOS)
062. Nine Princes in Amber (Telarium) (1985) (AST)
063. Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation (Dynamix) (1993) (DOS)
064. Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (Sierra On-Line) (1995) (DOS)
065. Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter (Remake) (Sierra On-Line) (1986, 1991) (DOS)
066. Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter (Sierra On-Line) (1986) (DOS)
067. Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge (Sierra On-Line) (1987) (DOS)
068. Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon (Sierra On-Line) (1989) (DOS)
069. Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail (Sierra On-Line) (1990) (DOS)
070. Murder on the Zinderneuf (Free Fall Associates) (1983) (A2)
071. Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (Sierra On-Line) (1984) (AMI)
072. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Sierra On-Line) (1987) (A2GS)
073. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Remake 1) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1991) (DOS)
074. Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Remake 2) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1991) (DOS)
075. Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe (Remake 3) (Sierra On-Line) (1987, 1995) (WIN)
076. Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (Sierra On-Line) (1991) (DOS)
077. EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest (Sierra On-Line) (1993) (DOS)
078. Pink Panther 1, The: Passport to Peril (Wanderlust Interactive) (1996) (WIN)
079. Pink Panther 2, The: Hokus Pokus Pink (Wanderlust Interactive) (1998) (WIN)
080. Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds (Humongous Entertainment) (1994) (WIN)
081. Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse (Humongous Entertainment) (1996) (WIN)
082. Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell (Humongous Entertainment) (1998) (WIN)
083. Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch (Humongous Entertainment) (1999) (WIN)
084. Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove (Humongous Entertainment) (2001) (WIN)
085. Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (Humongous Entertainment) (1996) (WIN)
086. Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening (Humongous Entertainment) (1998) (WIN)
087. Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet (Humongous Entertainment) (2000) (WIN)
088. Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff (Humongous Entertainment) (2003) (WIN)
089. Ollo in the Sunny Valley Fair (Hulabee Entertainment) (2002) (WIN)
090. Tales of the Odd: Brain Hotel (Pinhead Games) (2004) (WIN)
091. Young Gabriel King Chronicles, The (Steve McCrea) (2005) (WIN)
092. Christmas Quest 1: The Best Adventure Game Ever! (Adventure Gamers) (2006) (WIN)
093. Beauties and Beasts (MashPotato) (2008) (WIN)
094. Patchwork (Ivan Ulyanov) (2012) (WIN)
095. My Father's Secret (JackPutter) (2020) (WIN)
096. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 1, The: The Vampire's Coffin (Sanctuary Woods) (1992) (WIN)
097. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 2, The: The Last Dinosaur Egg (Sanctuary Woods) (1993) (WIN)
098. Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo 3, The: The Hypnotic Harp (Sanctuary Woods) (1993) (WIN)
099. Adventures of Willy Beamish, The (Dynamix) (1991) (DOS)
100. Samsara Room (Remaster) (Rusty Lake) (2013, 2020) (WIN)
101. Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Ep. 1, The: A Dreadly Business (Rumpus Animation) (2014) (AND)
102. Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Ep. 2, The: A Bleaker Predicklement (Rumpus Animation) (2017) (WIN)
103. Cruise for a Corpse (Croisiere pour un Cadavre) (Delphine Software) (1991) (DOS)
104. American Tail, An: The Computer Adventures of Fievel and His Friends (Manley & Associates) (1993) (DOS)
105. Akalabeth: World of Doom (Richard Garriott) (1979) (A2)
106. Life of Erich Zann, The (Ben Croshaw) (2019) (WIN)
107. Haunted Mansion (John O’Hare) (1980) (PET)
108. Firework (烟火 (Yānhuǒ)) (Chi) (Shiying Studio) (2021) (WIN)
109. Pink (AugoGames) (2020) (WIN)
110. Zork: Grand Inquisitor (Activision) (1997) (WIN)
111. Baba Yaga (Pastel Games) (2013) (WIN)
112. Bermuda Escape (Pastel Games) (2009) (WIN)
113. Fog Fall 1, The (Pastel Games) (2008) (WIN)
114. Fog Fall 2, The (Pastel Games) (2009) (WIN)
115. Fog Fall 3, The (Pastel Games) (2010) (WIN)
116. Fog Fall 4, The (Pastel Games) (2012) (WIN)
117. Victor Loomes: The Game (Victor Loomes: Das Spiel) (Ger) (Promotion Software) (1993) (DOS)
118. Heart of China (Dynamix) (1991) (DOS)
119. Les Manley 2: Lost in L.A. (Accolade) (1991) (DOS)
120. Lost in Time (Remaster) (Coktel Vision) (1993, 1994) (DOS)
121. Sherlock: The Dark Arts (Marion Poinsot) (2018) (WIN)
122. Owl's Nest (Pastel Games) (2011) (WIN)
123. Tortuga 1 (Pastel Games) (2008) (WIN)
124. Tortuga 2 (Pastel Games) (2014) (WIN)
125. Trader of Stories, The: Bell's Heart (Pastel Games) (2010) (WIN)
126. Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (MPS Labs) (1992) (DOS)
127. Future Wars: Adventures in Time (Les Voyageurs du Temps: La Menace) (Remaster) (Delphine Software) (1989, 1992) (DOS)
128. Time Paradox (Flair Software) (1996) (DOS)
129. Adventure Europe (Abenteuer Europa) (Ger) (Ego Software) (1994) (DOS)
130. Hook (Ocean Software) (1992) (DOS)
131. Plumber Pickle (Pastel Games) (2013) (WIN)
132. Mystery Case Files 20: Black Crown CE (Eipix Entertainment) (2019) (WIN)
133. Mutation of J. B. (Slovak) (Invention) (1996) (DOS)
134. Inspector Gadget: Mission 1 – Global Terror! (Azeroth) (1992) (DOS)
135. Quake 1 Expansion: Ep. 5 – Dimension of the Past (MachineGames) (2016) (WIN)
136. Witch's House MV, The (魔女の家 (Majo no Ie)) (Remaster) (Fummy) (2012, 2018) (WIN)
137. Great Attic Escape (Pastel Games) (2014) (WIN)
138. Veil of Darkness (Event Horizon Software) (1993) (DOS)
139. Midnight Mutants (Radioactive Software) (1990) (A78)
Games Finished in 2021 Part 2
Post edited October 19, 2021 by < D >

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Czech Republic
Posted January 03, 2021
Star Wars Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith seems as improved Dark Forces 2 with some better textures and quality of life improvements. Unfortunately bad control still remains, one I had to use cheat „freebird“, because I was not able jump in level 5 on a hill and continue... Many secrets remained uncovered, because even if I saw where is necessary jump, it was not possible. If controls would be better/fixed it would be 5 stars game, but with current state it is average game.

Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland

Permadeath can be fun!
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted January 03, 2021
I just beat Wolfenstein 3D. Pretty fun, shooting Nazis. I'll play Spear of Destiny at some point, but not now.

Come to Daddy!
Registered: Dec 2013
From Slovakia
Posted January 04, 2021
Finished games in:
2015 - 6 games - 3 GOG and 3 PS3
2016 - 16 games - 2 GOG, 3 PS4 and 11 PS3
2017 - 15 games - 6 PS3 and 9 PS4
2018 - 10 games - 1 PS2, 4 GOG and 5 PS3
2019 - 11 games -1 PS3, 2 PS4 and 8 GOG
2020 - 14 games - 3 PS3, 5 GOG and 6 PS4
List of games finished in 2021 below (5 GOG games, 1 PS2 game, 1 PS3 game and 2 PS4 games so far):
1 - January 12, 23:30 – First finished game in 2021 is second playthrough of Tales of Zestiria – The Strength of a Knight DLC on my PS4. Pretty quick run this time. Just went for all of the treasure chests, remaining trophies, some equipment fusions and Lord of the Land Blessing upgrades.
2 - January 24, 21:00 – I have finished Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition Deluxe – Bonus Campaign. The bonus campaign was little bit more fight ready than the main one and less to talk. Despite me being more the guy who like to solve the things the peaceful way, I think the main campaign was to much verbose even for my playstyle :) So I've enjoyed this campaign more.
3 - February 27, 16:45 – In-between busy work life, I've managed to finish another game from my big backlog: Torchlight II from GOG. I picked Engineer class and decided to pick skills, which amplify the Cannon damage and use of bot summoning. All three Acts were finished in few 1 hour long sessions, while trying to finish all the side-quests. Unfortunately, I somehow missed at least one instance of Gathering the Robot Parts one. Anyway, the game was very good way to clear my head during the latest pandemic situation and I hope the third Torchlight will be released soon and as much fun as the first two installments.
4 - June 6, 17:30 – While alternating in-between few other games, I've managed to finish the Main Arc of Tales of Legendia on PS2 for a first time. At the beginning, the combat felt little bit awkward, especially against flying enemies, but after a while, I've got used to it. The game, despite not aging the best, was really enjoyable. The more I've played, the more I wanted to uncover where the storyline goes. It has few unpredictable plot-twists and at one point, it is making fun of predictable story outcomes in other games :) And because of the story, the game is currently my second favourite Tales of game, right behind Xillia. We'll see, if it will stay so high, after I start the post game content.
5 - June 20, 20:45 – After a short break I went back to Druidstone – The Secret of the Menhir Forest from GOG and finished my goal, to complete the game on Hard Difficulty. The difficulty is pretty challenging, and to get all the missions on three stars, the player needs a lot of patience. The only downside of the game is little bit cheesy storytelling, but it pretty much fits the art and the gameplay. I am still missing three star award on one mission, so the next goal to finish is already set :P .
6 - June 27, 23:45 – I've started and finished Deadlight: Directors Cut from GOG. Pretty nice and fun zombie platformer, with occasional shooting and for me very frustrating Second Act :D . Despite that, I've enjoyed the gameplay, even though platformers are not my cup of tea, and I tend to be very bad playing them :D . This game was not an exception, so the 5 and half hours to beat the game was perfect for me.
7 – August 22, 13:00 – I've started and finished Tales of Arise Demo on my PS4. I have preordered the game, and wanted to have some glimpse on the gameplay and visuals, and I am now very satisfied with that decision. Both field and characters are really gorgeous, English voice acting is high quality as well. Unfortunately, the combat is not as satisfying as in some of the previous Tales of titles. I hope that this will change in the final version of the game.
8 – October 30, 14:30 – After pretty long journey, I've finally finished main story-line of Rebel Galaxy from GOG. When I started it, I've really not expected, that I ever finish this game, but my long lost love for space simcades has successfully engulfed me and I moved slowly through all of the sectors pursuing the main story-line and missions to become neutral with local pirates :) . I was able to get all but one achievement. To shoot 500 torpedoes, which will be the most boring thing, if I ever decide to get it. Despite a lot of grinding for the Red Devils Pirates, I pretty much had a lot of fun with this game, and I am very sad, that almost no one is making these type of games :( . Thankfully Double Damage Games have released a prequel to this game, which I will be getting soon.
9 – December 11, 19:30 – After finally acquiring 100 million gold and defeating 10,000 enemies, I have finished my third playthrough of Fairy Fencer F on PS3. This time, I have unlocked Eryn's Ending, and with it, I have obtained the Platinum Trophy as well :) . I have arrived in final dungeon after just few days of playing, but to get the Platinum, I had to do loads of farming at the Shukesoo's Tower top floor, to get enough gold to get one crazy trophy. It became pretty boring fast so I spent more than 7 months playing the game for one or two hours in a week, while playing other games. If I do not count this grind, the game was fun enough, to play it three times :) .
10 – December 30, 14:30 – Just few days after finishing the last game, I have decided to boot up Hyperdimension Neptunia VII on my PS4, for a second playthrough. The goal was to finish the game with the True Ending and before the end of 2021, while unlocking at least one annoying luck-based trophy before starting the final Platinum Run. Luckily I was able to unlock both of them. The Card Master trophy, where you need to get 33 cards out of the virtual bags of chips, became one of the least favourite trophies, I've ever got. I had to open probably more than 1000, to get the 4 super-rare cards, to get this trophy out of the way. Still, this game is definitely the most enjoyable Idea Factory game, which I've played.
2015 - 6 games - 3 GOG and 3 PS3
2016 - 16 games - 2 GOG, 3 PS4 and 11 PS3
2017 - 15 games - 6 PS3 and 9 PS4
2018 - 10 games - 1 PS2, 4 GOG and 5 PS3
2019 - 11 games -1 PS3, 2 PS4 and 8 GOG
2020 - 14 games - 3 PS3, 5 GOG and 6 PS4
List of games finished in 2021 below (5 GOG games, 1 PS2 game, 1 PS3 game and 2 PS4 games so far):
1 - January 12, 23:30 – First finished game in 2021 is second playthrough of Tales of Zestiria – The Strength of a Knight DLC on my PS4. Pretty quick run this time. Just went for all of the treasure chests, remaining trophies, some equipment fusions and Lord of the Land Blessing upgrades.
2 - January 24, 21:00 – I have finished Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition Deluxe – Bonus Campaign. The bonus campaign was little bit more fight ready than the main one and less to talk. Despite me being more the guy who like to solve the things the peaceful way, I think the main campaign was to much verbose even for my playstyle :) So I've enjoyed this campaign more.
3 - February 27, 16:45 – In-between busy work life, I've managed to finish another game from my big backlog: Torchlight II from GOG. I picked Engineer class and decided to pick skills, which amplify the Cannon damage and use of bot summoning. All three Acts were finished in few 1 hour long sessions, while trying to finish all the side-quests. Unfortunately, I somehow missed at least one instance of Gathering the Robot Parts one. Anyway, the game was very good way to clear my head during the latest pandemic situation and I hope the third Torchlight will be released soon and as much fun as the first two installments.
4 - June 6, 17:30 – While alternating in-between few other games, I've managed to finish the Main Arc of Tales of Legendia on PS2 for a first time. At the beginning, the combat felt little bit awkward, especially against flying enemies, but after a while, I've got used to it. The game, despite not aging the best, was really enjoyable. The more I've played, the more I wanted to uncover where the storyline goes. It has few unpredictable plot-twists and at one point, it is making fun of predictable story outcomes in other games :) And because of the story, the game is currently my second favourite Tales of game, right behind Xillia. We'll see, if it will stay so high, after I start the post game content.
5 - June 20, 20:45 – After a short break I went back to Druidstone – The Secret of the Menhir Forest from GOG and finished my goal, to complete the game on Hard Difficulty. The difficulty is pretty challenging, and to get all the missions on three stars, the player needs a lot of patience. The only downside of the game is little bit cheesy storytelling, but it pretty much fits the art and the gameplay. I am still missing three star award on one mission, so the next goal to finish is already set :P .
6 - June 27, 23:45 – I've started and finished Deadlight: Directors Cut from GOG. Pretty nice and fun zombie platformer, with occasional shooting and for me very frustrating Second Act :D . Despite that, I've enjoyed the gameplay, even though platformers are not my cup of tea, and I tend to be very bad playing them :D . This game was not an exception, so the 5 and half hours to beat the game was perfect for me.
7 – August 22, 13:00 – I've started and finished Tales of Arise Demo on my PS4. I have preordered the game, and wanted to have some glimpse on the gameplay and visuals, and I am now very satisfied with that decision. Both field and characters are really gorgeous, English voice acting is high quality as well. Unfortunately, the combat is not as satisfying as in some of the previous Tales of titles. I hope that this will change in the final version of the game.
8 – October 30, 14:30 – After pretty long journey, I've finally finished main story-line of Rebel Galaxy from GOG. When I started it, I've really not expected, that I ever finish this game, but my long lost love for space simcades has successfully engulfed me and I moved slowly through all of the sectors pursuing the main story-line and missions to become neutral with local pirates :) . I was able to get all but one achievement. To shoot 500 torpedoes, which will be the most boring thing, if I ever decide to get it. Despite a lot of grinding for the Red Devils Pirates, I pretty much had a lot of fun with this game, and I am very sad, that almost no one is making these type of games :( . Thankfully Double Damage Games have released a prequel to this game, which I will be getting soon.
9 – December 11, 19:30 – After finally acquiring 100 million gold and defeating 10,000 enemies, I have finished my third playthrough of Fairy Fencer F on PS3. This time, I have unlocked Eryn's Ending, and with it, I have obtained the Platinum Trophy as well :) . I have arrived in final dungeon after just few days of playing, but to get the Platinum, I had to do loads of farming at the Shukesoo's Tower top floor, to get enough gold to get one crazy trophy. It became pretty boring fast so I spent more than 7 months playing the game for one or two hours in a week, while playing other games. If I do not count this grind, the game was fun enough, to play it three times :) .
10 – December 30, 14:30 – Just few days after finishing the last game, I have decided to boot up Hyperdimension Neptunia VII on my PS4, for a second playthrough. The goal was to finish the game with the True Ending and before the end of 2021, while unlocking at least one annoying luck-based trophy before starting the final Platinum Run. Luckily I was able to unlock both of them. The Card Master trophy, where you need to get 33 cards out of the virtual bags of chips, became one of the least favourite trophies, I've ever got. I had to open probably more than 1000, to get the 4 super-rare cards, to get this trophy out of the way. Still, this game is definitely the most enjoyable Idea Factory game, which I've played.
Post edited December 30, 2021 by MMLN

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted January 04, 2021
Jan 22 - The Fog: Trap for Moths
Jan 24 - The Fool
Oct 24 - House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame
Jan 24 - The Fool
Oct 24 - House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame
Post edited October 24, 2021 by adambiser

Permadeath can be fun!
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted January 04, 2021
Just finished Far Cry 4. I liked it, but not as much as 3.

Wherever you are it’s the place you need to be
Registered: Dec 2020
From United States
Posted January 04, 2021
Just finished Crusader: No Remorse.
I don't have much experience with games that include video sequences featuring real actors, but I loved the acting in this one! I was actually sad to finish the game and leave these characters behind, especially this guy and this beautiful woman.
I don't have much experience with games that include video sequences featuring real actors, but I loved the acting in this one! I was actually sad to finish the game and leave these characters behind, especially this guy and this beautiful woman.

New User
Registered: Oct 2020
From Poland
Posted January 04, 2021
Half Life, a childhood game of mine, one that I think I played through more times than any other game. Without a doubt a solid piece of entertainment on all fronts, most notably gameplay and story progression of the old school - it actually feels refreshing to play a game, even for a tenth or so time, lacking any cutscenes or dialogue whatsoever and yet one that hooked me on the story from beginning to the end like no other ever did. Despite everything that can be said about Valve, they actually managed to make damn good games.
This time I also played through both expansions: Opposing Force and Blue Shift. The former is mediocre, the latter is enjoyable in its own way but frankly the amount of enjoyment I got from either of those doesn't even come close to that from the base game, which without a doubt I consider to be in my top 5 games of all time.
This time I also played through both expansions: Opposing Force and Blue Shift. The former is mediocre, the latter is enjoyable in its own way but frankly the amount of enjoyment I got from either of those doesn't even come close to that from the base game, which without a doubt I consider to be in my top 5 games of all time.
Post edited January 04, 2021 by OptimalBreez

Registered: Jun 2013
From Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Posted January 04, 2021
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders finished in "bringest them oneth" (normal)
So what can I say ?
This was my first time ever playing this game and personally I can't understand why so many people consider this game to be a classic or a must-play, it's pretty much a Dark-Fantasy version of the original Doom but with larger levels and guns replaced with magic. It ain't bad and I enjoyed my time playing it but I would say it's pretty average.
So what can I say ?
This was my first time ever playing this game and personally I can't understand why so many people consider this game to be a classic or a must-play, it's pretty much a Dark-Fantasy version of the original Doom but with larger levels and guns replaced with magic. It ain't bad and I enjoyed my time playing it but I would say it's pretty average.

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted January 04, 2021
Messiah, Jan 4 (GOG)-Holy cow my head is ringing. Terrible, buggy game. I hated everything about this game. Even if it wasn't buggy, its still a huge mess. This was an interesting concept that should posses a better game. This is one of the worst games I've ever played and hopefully will be the worst I play this year.
Full List
Full List

Registered: Jun 2013
From Slovakia
Posted January 04, 2021
Include me. Thanks.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted January 05, 2021
Include me, I suppose. I will try to keep up this time.
1. Tomb Raider: Underworld - 6/10
2. The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate - 6,5/10
3. Sakura Agent - 2,5/10
4. Bioshock Remastered - 7,5/10
5. Batman: Arkham Origins - 6,5/10
6. Sakura Magical Girls - 2/10
7. Ori and the Will of the Wisp - 8,5/10
8. Hentai Jigsaw Puzzle - 2,5/10
9. Slime Rancher - 6,5/10
10. Mega Man 7 - 6,5/10
11. Octodad: Dadliest Catch - 7/10
12. Murder by Numbers - 5,5/10
13. Divinity: Dragon Commander - 4,5/10
14. Kid Dracula - 6,5/10
15. Beyond Divinity - 5/10
16. Call of Juarez - 5,5/10
17. LoveKami -Divinity Stage- - 3/10
18. Mega Man 8 - 7/10
19. Alien Breed 2: Assault - 4/10
20. Grim Fandango Remastered - 7,5/10
21. AER: Memories of Old - 5,5/10
22. Tomb Raider 10 - 7,5/10
23. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 - 6,5/10
24. Castlevania - 4,5/10
25. Space Run: Fast and Safe Delivery - 7/10
26. Max Payne - 5/10
27. Cat Quest - 7/10
28. Driftmoon - 5,5/10
29. Mega Man 9 - 7/10
30. Gray Dawn - 6/10
31. Postal 2 - 4/10
32. A Normal Lost Phone - 5,5/10
33. Control: Ultimate Edition - 8,5/10
34. The Heiress - 1,5/10
35. Mega Man 10 - 7/10
36. Project Snowblind - 4,5/10
37. Painkiller: Black Edition - 6/10
38. Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion - 5,5/10
39. TRON 2.0 - 6,5/10
40. Turok - 3/10
41. Far Cry - 6/10
42. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood - 5,5/10
43. Unreal II: The Awakening - 5/10
44. Area 51 - 4/10
45. SIN Episodes: Emergence - 4/10
46. Clive Barker's Jericho - 7/10
47. Unreal Tournament 2004 - 6/10
48. Wish - 2/10
49. Doom 3: BFG Edition - 6/10
50. Half-Life 2 (+ Lost Coast) - 9/10
51. Half-Life: Episode 1 - 8,5/10
52. Half-Life: Episode 2 - 9/10
53. Deus Ex: Invisible War - 4,5/10
54. F.E:A.R. - 7,5/10
55. F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point - 6/10
56. Knight Bewitched - 5,5/10
57. KKND2: Krossfire - 4,5/10
58. LoveKami: Useless Godess - 2/10
59. F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate - 5,5/10
60. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - 5/10
61. Castlevania II Simon‘s Quest - 5/10
62. F.E.A.R. 3 - 4,5/10
63. Another Lost Phone: Laura‘s Story - 6,5/10
64. Crysis - 6,5/10
65. LEGO Jurassic World - 6,5/10
66. Crysis Warhead - 6/10
67. TimeShift - 4,5/10
68. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - 7/10
69. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - 5,5/10
70. Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - 5/10
71. NecroVision + Lost Company - 5/10
72. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) - 6/10
73. Medal of Honor (2010) - 4/10
74. Elven Legacy (+ 3 expansions) - 5/10 (4/10 for expansions)
75. Homefront - 4,5/10
76. Crysis 2: Maximum Edition - 4,5/10
77. Painkiller: Reccuring Evil - 3/10
78. Black Mesa - 7,5/10
79. The Darkness II - 7,5/10
80. A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met - 2,5/10
81. Project Warlock - 6,5/10
82. Bioshock 2 Remastered - 7/10
83. Crysis 3 - 6/10
84. X-Morph: Defense - 5,5/10
85. Etherlords II - 6/10
86. Rise of the Tomb Raider - 7,5/10
87. Bulletstorm: Full Cip Edition - 6,5/10
88. Mirror - 3,5/10
89. Kingdom Rush - 7/10
90. Resident Evil 2 Remake - 8,5/10
91. Rime - 5,5/10
92. Hard Reset Redux - 5/10
93. Medieval: Total War - 6/10
94. BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut - 4,5/10
95. Solitairica - 6,5/10
96. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - 8/10
97. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse - 5/10
98. SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - 7/10
99. Mists of Aiden - 4/10
100. Dusk - 4,5/10
101. WitchWay - 6/10
102. Steamworld Dig 2 - 6,5/10
103. Emily is Away - 4,5/10
104. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 7/10
105. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - 6/10
106. Crimzon Clower: World Ignition - 3/10
My old lists (some of them are incomplete):
Games finished 2012
Games finished 2013
Games finished 2014
Games finished 2016
Games finished 2018
Games finished 2019
Games finished 2020
1. Tomb Raider: Underworld - 6/10
2. The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate - 6,5/10
3. Sakura Agent - 2,5/10
4. Bioshock Remastered - 7,5/10
5. Batman: Arkham Origins - 6,5/10
6. Sakura Magical Girls - 2/10
7. Ori and the Will of the Wisp - 8,5/10
8. Hentai Jigsaw Puzzle - 2,5/10
9. Slime Rancher - 6,5/10
10. Mega Man 7 - 6,5/10
11. Octodad: Dadliest Catch - 7/10
12. Murder by Numbers - 5,5/10
13. Divinity: Dragon Commander - 4,5/10
14. Kid Dracula - 6,5/10
15. Beyond Divinity - 5/10
16. Call of Juarez - 5,5/10
17. LoveKami -Divinity Stage- - 3/10
18. Mega Man 8 - 7/10
19. Alien Breed 2: Assault - 4/10
20. Grim Fandango Remastered - 7,5/10
21. AER: Memories of Old - 5,5/10
22. Tomb Raider 10 - 7,5/10
23. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 - 6,5/10
24. Castlevania - 4,5/10
25. Space Run: Fast and Safe Delivery - 7/10
26. Max Payne - 5/10
27. Cat Quest - 7/10
28. Driftmoon - 5,5/10
29. Mega Man 9 - 7/10
30. Gray Dawn - 6/10
31. Postal 2 - 4/10
32. A Normal Lost Phone - 5,5/10
33. Control: Ultimate Edition - 8,5/10
34. The Heiress - 1,5/10
35. Mega Man 10 - 7/10
36. Project Snowblind - 4,5/10
37. Painkiller: Black Edition - 6/10
38. Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion - 5,5/10
39. TRON 2.0 - 6,5/10
40. Turok - 3/10
41. Far Cry - 6/10
42. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood - 5,5/10
43. Unreal II: The Awakening - 5/10
44. Area 51 - 4/10
45. SIN Episodes: Emergence - 4/10
46. Clive Barker's Jericho - 7/10
47. Unreal Tournament 2004 - 6/10
48. Wish - 2/10
49. Doom 3: BFG Edition - 6/10
50. Half-Life 2 (+ Lost Coast) - 9/10
51. Half-Life: Episode 1 - 8,5/10
52. Half-Life: Episode 2 - 9/10
53. Deus Ex: Invisible War - 4,5/10
54. F.E:A.R. - 7,5/10
55. F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point - 6/10
56. Knight Bewitched - 5,5/10
57. KKND2: Krossfire - 4,5/10
58. LoveKami: Useless Godess - 2/10
59. F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate - 5,5/10
60. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - 5/10
61. Castlevania II Simon‘s Quest - 5/10
62. F.E.A.R. 3 - 4,5/10
63. Another Lost Phone: Laura‘s Story - 6,5/10
64. Crysis - 6,5/10
65. LEGO Jurassic World - 6,5/10
66. Crysis Warhead - 6/10
67. TimeShift - 4,5/10
68. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - 7/10
69. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - 5,5/10
70. Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - 5/10
71. NecroVision + Lost Company - 5/10
72. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) - 6/10
73. Medal of Honor (2010) - 4/10
74. Elven Legacy (+ 3 expansions) - 5/10 (4/10 for expansions)
75. Homefront - 4,5/10
76. Crysis 2: Maximum Edition - 4,5/10
77. Painkiller: Reccuring Evil - 3/10
78. Black Mesa - 7,5/10
79. The Darkness II - 7,5/10
80. A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met - 2,5/10
81. Project Warlock - 6,5/10
82. Bioshock 2 Remastered - 7/10
83. Crysis 3 - 6/10
84. X-Morph: Defense - 5,5/10
85. Etherlords II - 6/10
86. Rise of the Tomb Raider - 7,5/10
87. Bulletstorm: Full Cip Edition - 6,5/10
88. Mirror - 3,5/10
89. Kingdom Rush - 7/10
90. Resident Evil 2 Remake - 8,5/10
91. Rime - 5,5/10
92. Hard Reset Redux - 5/10
93. Medieval: Total War - 6/10
94. BloodRayne 2: Terminal Cut - 4,5/10
95. Solitairica - 6,5/10
96. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - 8/10
97. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse - 5/10
98. SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - 7/10
99. Mists of Aiden - 4/10
100. Dusk - 4,5/10
101. WitchWay - 6/10
102. Steamworld Dig 2 - 6,5/10
103. Emily is Away - 4,5/10
104. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - 7/10
105. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - 6/10
106. Crimzon Clower: World Ignition - 3/10
My old lists (some of them are incomplete):
Games finished 2012
Games finished 2013
Games finished 2014
Games finished 2016
Games finished 2018
Games finished 2019
Games finished 2020
Post edited January 04, 2022 by Vitek