Posted August 03, 2019

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted August 03, 2019
Red Faction 1.
That game was not good, contrary to many reviews. First 2 levels were decent at least.
That game was not good, contrary to many reviews. First 2 levels were decent at least.

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted August 03, 2019
Finally finished a colonization game, specifically the civilization 4 version. If pushed I'd say that the regular civ games are still the best, though there is a certain inescapable charm hidden in the more menial day-to-day tasks required to keep your colony running. For instance setting up trade routes to balance the material needs for your industries (wood to this town, tobacco to that one, horses to that etc), and then sending the fruits of those to Europe to sell. The funds for which you can use to bring back skilled craftsmen, weapons, ships and the like to further improve your colony.

Silence of the LAMs
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted August 04, 2019

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia
Posted August 04, 2019

Sure warband is enhanced but i think the original is also easier to beat it has a certain charm being the first game and see how it began. Some things are different like the animations in battle, 1 faction less, smaller map i believe is easier to conquer, tournaments don't penalize you so fast if you win too much i believe so betting for it brings some good money. You can mix all faction soldiers together without a morale penalty. Maybe the beef from cattle is more expensive in this game and you get more money for selling it. Game didn't crash at all. Remember when talking to a companion in warband crashed the game but that is maybe a bug that was ingame and wasn't patched out at the time.
Armor is more expensive if it's lordly than in warband, no need to pay for upgrading your soldiers only a weekly pay. Probably there is more but i am already playing warband now.
Post edited August 04, 2019 by Fonzer

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted August 04, 2019
Just beaten Hotline Miami 1 and while it was fun game, they are generally not my thing. I don't think i will get HM2.
no frigging idea wtf was story about if any
no frigging idea wtf was story about if any

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted August 04, 2019
Chaos on Deponia, Aug 3 (GOG)-A pretty good little adventure game that continues the Deponia story. The plot is out there as you would expect and Rufus alternates between idiot and jackass seamlessly. I thought most of the puzzles were good with the exception of the 4th wall breaking music puzzle which might be my least favorite of all time. Overall an enjoyable experience if you liked the first one.
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Future HFIL King
Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted August 04, 2019
Not a bad little run&jump&gunner for the price. Though I actually just traded another cheap game for it.
Not a bad little run&jump&gunner for the price. Though I actually just traded another cheap game for it.

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Australia
Posted August 04, 2019
Valkyria Chronicles (Steam)
Got this in a recent Steam sale after reading about it in the CRPG Book. It's a turn based squad tactical game with a water colour style art work. The tactical battles are linked with cutscenes and dialogue to make the story. The story is set in a fictional version of Europe, though it mirrors many themes from the last century. For a Japanese game the story and characters are actually more grounded than usual and more likeable.
The gameplay feels quite different than most squad tactical games. In Jagged Alliance and XCOM, you tend to play very defensive and rely on positioning and luring enemies into your overwatch fire. But Valkyria encourages far more aggressive play, mainly by it's unique aspect: each turn you get a number of command points, you spend one point each time you use a character- but you can keep using the same character (though with progressively less action points) as many times as you have command points. This allows you to break through a line and then keep on deeper into enemy lines, as long as you can weather enemy fire. It's a very dynamic style of turn based game that felt refreshing once I adapted to the differences from something like XCOM. Also, the game grades you on each battle with time taken being the main measuring stick- the higher the grade the more XP and money for upgrades. So the game does everything to encourage an aggressive approach.
I can only pick one annoyance: several missions try to mix things up with mid mission scripted events such as ambushes from behind. These events are so powerful when you don't expect them that they can cause almost total team wipe out, meaning you just reload from a few turns earlier and try again. That's the problem with scripted events like that, they only work the first time. Luckily there were only about 3 missions like that out of the 20 or so story missions and 5 optional missions. Some of final battles also become more like puzzles if you want to achieve that "A" rating and require a full understanding of all your orders and abilities- like your tanks smoke rounds which are essential in later missions.
This game is pretty great overall. Highly recommended for turn based tactical fans that want a game that feels and looks a bit different. It runs on pretty much any PC that is less than 10 years old as it was originally a PS3 game. I easily ran it at 4K/60 on only a R2600X/RX580 combo. Of course you can also use the PS3 original or the PS4 remaster which is just a port of this PC version. It's a SEGA game, so unlikely to come to GOG and Sony (in their great wisdom) decided they wanted the two sequels as PSP exclusives.
Got this in a recent Steam sale after reading about it in the CRPG Book. It's a turn based squad tactical game with a water colour style art work. The tactical battles are linked with cutscenes and dialogue to make the story. The story is set in a fictional version of Europe, though it mirrors many themes from the last century. For a Japanese game the story and characters are actually more grounded than usual and more likeable.
The gameplay feels quite different than most squad tactical games. In Jagged Alliance and XCOM, you tend to play very defensive and rely on positioning and luring enemies into your overwatch fire. But Valkyria encourages far more aggressive play, mainly by it's unique aspect: each turn you get a number of command points, you spend one point each time you use a character- but you can keep using the same character (though with progressively less action points) as many times as you have command points. This allows you to break through a line and then keep on deeper into enemy lines, as long as you can weather enemy fire. It's a very dynamic style of turn based game that felt refreshing once I adapted to the differences from something like XCOM. Also, the game grades you on each battle with time taken being the main measuring stick- the higher the grade the more XP and money for upgrades. So the game does everything to encourage an aggressive approach.
I can only pick one annoyance: several missions try to mix things up with mid mission scripted events such as ambushes from behind. These events are so powerful when you don't expect them that they can cause almost total team wipe out, meaning you just reload from a few turns earlier and try again. That's the problem with scripted events like that, they only work the first time. Luckily there were only about 3 missions like that out of the 20 or so story missions and 5 optional missions. Some of final battles also become more like puzzles if you want to achieve that "A" rating and require a full understanding of all your orders and abilities- like your tanks smoke rounds which are essential in later missions.
This game is pretty great overall. Highly recommended for turn based tactical fans that want a game that feels and looks a bit different. It runs on pretty much any PC that is less than 10 years old as it was originally a PS3 game. I easily ran it at 4K/60 on only a R2600X/RX580 combo. Of course you can also use the PS3 original or the PS4 remaster which is just a port of this PC version. It's a SEGA game, so unlikely to come to GOG and Sony (in their great wisdom) decided they wanted the two sequels as PSP exclusives.
Post edited August 04, 2019 by CMOT70

↑ Hey, that's me!
Registered: Jun 2014
From United States
Posted August 04, 2019
Thief 2014
I actually liked it quite a bit, the open city and Thief game play were a great mix. Currently going through Thief 3 right now.
I actually liked it quite a bit, the open city and Thief game play were a great mix. Currently going through Thief 3 right now.

Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Future HFIL King
Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted August 06, 2019
Alice: Madness Returns
Loved it, though some parts could use a little work - the camera when locked on to an enemy is quite awful, checkpoints are sometimes too far apart, and PhysX on High kills the framerate in some scenes despite the rig being far more than the game should ever need. But the story, atmosphere, visual design - all are quite great, and the gameplay isn't bad either. Great ending too, here's hoping for a sequel! Wish I had the original game, but unfortunately I don't.
Loved it, though some parts could use a little work - the camera when locked on to an enemy is quite awful, checkpoints are sometimes too far apart, and PhysX on High kills the framerate in some scenes despite the rig being far more than the game should ever need. But the story, atmosphere, visual design - all are quite great, and the gameplay isn't bad either. Great ending too, here's hoping for a sequel! Wish I had the original game, but unfortunately I don't.
Post edited August 10, 2019 by kalirion