Posted June 03, 2018

Finally beat the final form of the final boss with only my final hit point remaining. Then the bonus episode. Then started playing Chapter 1 with the newly unlocked character but after the first boss decided "you know what, I need a break from this game." But it is a very good game, you can tell a lot of heart went into it. It just feels good to play it. Until you hit a difficulty wall and just keep dying. But overcoming that wall feels good. Until the next wall. Thankfully you get unlimited lives, and the normal checkpoints aren't far apart, it's the persistent checkpoints (where you can start again after quitting the game) that are much farther apart. You have to wonder why every checkpoint can't be persisted.

I myself just noticed the additions recently which is why I was playing the game. No need to replay the first two episodes, not exactly a story heavy game - barbarian's woman was kidnapped, he's out to get her back.