Posted January 30, 2018

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 30, 2018
I think you should look into a longer game/game series with a bit more meaty gameplay. Not these 20 minute casual games... :P

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted January 30, 2018

Could try a rogue-whatev, like SotS: The Pit. Though it sounds like those can suck up as much time as anything out there.

Registered: May 2009
From Belgium
Posted January 31, 2018
Finished The Longest Journey and I am quite disappointed. The journey is indeed quite long but the wrong reasons: too much backtracking and too many placeholders screens with nothing to do on them (but waiting for April to run across the screen and go to a more useful location). Story is interesting though and most of the puzzles were logical.
And I also finished Hitchhiker First Ride. Humble Original from January bundle. A short weird story that I did not really understood. Nothing to see gameplay-wise.
Full list here.
And I also finished Hitchhiker First Ride. Humble Original from January bundle. A short weird story that I did not really understood. Nothing to see gameplay-wise.
Full list here.
Post edited January 31, 2018 by sebarnolds

Keane survivor
Registered: Nov 2013
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2018
Deponia 2: Chaos on Deponia
I have mixed feelings about this game.
When the game lets you explore on your own it is a lot of fun, with good graphics & characters, a funny plot and interactions, nice (although sometimes overly-complex) puzzles, and very fun mini games. I really enjoy it a lot. But when you talk to another character, ugh, I dread it so much because the dialogues are overlong. Don’t get me wrong, they are well acted and funny for the most part, it’s just that they go on forever and interrupt the flow of the gameplay way too much.
I’ve also read complaints about how some people don’t like the main character because he’s a selfish jerk, and therefore not funny. In my opinion although he’s not a good person you can relate to, he is quite funny :).
Overall the good outweighs the bad and I would still recommend it if you’re a point-and-click fan, especially if you’re the type who likes long dialogues/scenes.
I have mixed feelings about this game.
When the game lets you explore on your own it is a lot of fun, with good graphics & characters, a funny plot and interactions, nice (although sometimes overly-complex) puzzles, and very fun mini games. I really enjoy it a lot. But when you talk to another character, ugh, I dread it so much because the dialogues are overlong. Don’t get me wrong, they are well acted and funny for the most part, it’s just that they go on forever and interrupt the flow of the gameplay way too much.
I’ve also read complaints about how some people don’t like the main character because he’s a selfish jerk, and therefore not funny. In my opinion although he’s not a good person you can relate to, he is quite funny :).
Overall the good outweighs the bad and I would still recommend it if you’re a point-and-click fan, especially if you’re the type who likes long dialogues/scenes.
Post edited January 31, 2018 by 01kipper

New User
Registered: May 2012
From United States
Posted January 31, 2018
Hotline Miami
On replay I enjoyed this more than the first time. Since I didn't care about the story and just went full murderporn it was more fun than not. There's a few maps that are unfun, but it's not too hard to cheese them with masks and trial and error.
On replay I enjoyed this more than the first time. Since I didn't care about the story and just went full murderporn it was more fun than not. There's a few maps that are unfun, but it's not too hard to cheese them with masks and trial and error.

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Australia
Posted January 31, 2018
Back to the Future The Game (Xbox One)
The good part is that it makes full use of the license and really does tie directly to the movies.
Unfortunately it is painfully average at everything else. Not bad, but the very definition of an average point and click adventure. Can easily be skipped unless it's your mission to play every such adventure game ever made.
At least it is an actual point and click adventure though, unlike later Telltale Adventures. But...I have to say I really did find the newer Telltale adventures like The Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands a lot more enjoyable just the same.
The good part is that it makes full use of the license and really does tie directly to the movies.
Unfortunately it is painfully average at everything else. Not bad, but the very definition of an average point and click adventure. Can easily be skipped unless it's your mission to play every such adventure game ever made.
At least it is an actual point and click adventure though, unlike later Telltale Adventures. But...I have to say I really did find the newer Telltale adventures like The Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands a lot more enjoyable just the same.

Zielony Brzydal
Registered: Jan 2012
From Poland
Posted January 31, 2018
Patrician IV
The game doesn’t deserve all that hate it regularly gets. Sure, it’s not even nearly as great as Patrician III (one of my favorite games ever) but it does have its moments albeit many players don’t see it as the best features are available only in late stage of the game. First, I must admit that at the beginning the game is rather bad. Sea battles are absolutely terrible and I guess that’s what repels most people. Trading is not very satisfactory neither as it’s too chaotic and you can’t really plan anything. Most of the time you’ll be relying on distress calls for goods. So yeah, this part it’s not very good and sadly that’s what you’ll be doing most in the first part of the game. So where does it get better? At the time you gain a lot of reputation you may enter the election to become major of the city, you start dealing with a local prince and eventually may become aldermen of the whole Hanseatic League. This features have been greatly improved when compared to the predecessor and are really satisfying. The problem is, it takes a lot of time to get there. But in my opinion it was worth it. I doubt that I’ll ever play the game again but I don’t regret the time I spent on it.
Full list
The game doesn’t deserve all that hate it regularly gets. Sure, it’s not even nearly as great as Patrician III (one of my favorite games ever) but it does have its moments albeit many players don’t see it as the best features are available only in late stage of the game. First, I must admit that at the beginning the game is rather bad. Sea battles are absolutely terrible and I guess that’s what repels most people. Trading is not very satisfactory neither as it’s too chaotic and you can’t really plan anything. Most of the time you’ll be relying on distress calls for goods. So yeah, this part it’s not very good and sadly that’s what you’ll be doing most in the first part of the game. So where does it get better? At the time you gain a lot of reputation you may enter the election to become major of the city, you start dealing with a local prince and eventually may become aldermen of the whole Hanseatic League. This features have been greatly improved when compared to the predecessor and are really satisfying. The problem is, it takes a lot of time to get there. But in my opinion it was worth it. I doubt that I’ll ever play the game again but I don’t regret the time I spent on it.
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Priestess Arcana
Registered: Oct 2011
From Spain

New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From Sweden
Posted January 31, 2018
1. Ys IV (PCE CD)
2. Exile (w/ Unworked Designs patch)(PCE CD)
3. Macross 2036 (PCE CD)
4. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC)
5. AM2R (PC)
6. TaleSpin (NES) - Replay
7. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (PC)
I feel like I'm being generous here but it was pretty fun overall, it just could've been a lot better with some tweaks. For the most part it felt like playing baseless missions in War3 or SC2 except every unit had a bunch of abilities that you pretty much had to be using over and over and couldn't slow things down or issue commands while pausing so things tended to get kinda messy, even after learning hotkeys since I was often switching active abilites and squads around. I was often trying to rush to get a decent speed score too, but eventually gave up on that and I don't think the rank system gels that well with the save system. I guess I'll still check out Chaos Rising on a sale though, just because I'm interested in the corruption theme (in this game you had no impact on how the story played out).
On a side note it was kind of interesting how the game turned enemy heroes into arcade-like boss fights and had this giant spawning pool element in the story like SC2, I would've thought Blizzard would be the originator there.
2. Exile (w/ Unworked Designs patch)(PCE CD)
3. Macross 2036 (PCE CD)
4. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC)
5. AM2R (PC)
6. TaleSpin (NES) - Replay
7. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (PC)
I feel like I'm being generous here but it was pretty fun overall, it just could've been a lot better with some tweaks. For the most part it felt like playing baseless missions in War3 or SC2 except every unit had a bunch of abilities that you pretty much had to be using over and over and couldn't slow things down or issue commands while pausing so things tended to get kinda messy, even after learning hotkeys since I was often switching active abilites and squads around. I was often trying to rush to get a decent speed score too, but eventually gave up on that and I don't think the rank system gels that well with the save system. I guess I'll still check out Chaos Rising on a sale though, just because I'm interested in the corruption theme (in this game you had no impact on how the story played out).
On a side note it was kind of interesting how the game turned enemy heroes into arcade-like boss fights and had this giant spawning pool element in the story like SC2, I would've thought Blizzard would be the originator there.
Post edited January 31, 2018 by ResidentLeever

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted February 01, 2018
Civ 1 emperor game for a 2nd time. Replayed to try and max the palace. I got very lucky by catching both India and England off guard with chariots on my starting continent. Proceeded to expand like crazy to claim the entire continent and 2 neighbouring islands but was stunned to see how quicky one of the other civs, Germany was advancing. They were alone on their continent and weirdly didn't have as many cities, but somehow they managed to grow massive cities very quickly, even compared to the other emperor AI civs. I was struggling to get beyond size 8 at the time but they were rocking pop 17 cities. This gave them a massive tech lead, and I had to send 5 diplomats to steal techs to catch up. Luckily I somehow got steel before them and got two Battleships (had to pay a fortune to pay for early construction) to their coast to aid an invasion force to take their 3 largest cities. That took them out of the game and made it smooth sailing from that point onward. Ended with a final rating of 140%

Zielony Brzydal
Registered: Jan 2012
From Poland
Posted February 01, 2018
Kingdom: New Lands
Also known as: Figure it out Yourself: The Game. Seriously, the game tells you almost nothing what’s all about, how should you play and what various upgrades work. You have to figure it out yourself. You upgrade your castle and a fancy looking guy appears? Cool! But what is he doing there? No idea! Maybe you should give him a coin? Or you have found a new structure somewhere in the woods and you can spend some money there. What benefit if you do so? Try it! Maybe you’ll see it immediately, maybe the effect will be more sophisticated so that you’ll have to experiment a bit more before figuring it out. Does it sound terrible? Perhaps but it’s actually very, very good! I still remember playing C64 games in my youth and figuring out how to play was a big part of them so Kingdom: New Lands is scratching that itch perfectly! Sure it may be a bit weird but with so many games that take your hand and never let you go doing it your way it’s very refreshing to play a game which is the opposite. I loved every bit of it and finally finishing the game was very rewarding!
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Also known as: Figure it out Yourself: The Game. Seriously, the game tells you almost nothing what’s all about, how should you play and what various upgrades work. You have to figure it out yourself. You upgrade your castle and a fancy looking guy appears? Cool! But what is he doing there? No idea! Maybe you should give him a coin? Or you have found a new structure somewhere in the woods and you can spend some money there. What benefit if you do so? Try it! Maybe you’ll see it immediately, maybe the effect will be more sophisticated so that you’ll have to experiment a bit more before figuring it out. Does it sound terrible? Perhaps but it’s actually very, very good! I still remember playing C64 games in my youth and figuring out how to play was a big part of them so Kingdom: New Lands is scratching that itch perfectly! Sure it may be a bit weird but with so many games that take your hand and never let you go doing it your way it’s very refreshing to play a game which is the opposite. I loved every bit of it and finally finishing the game was very rewarding!
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Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 01, 2018
Max Damage
Yeah, I'm not really proud of that. :P
Yeah, I'm not really proud of that. :P

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted February 01, 2018

Also known as: Figure it out Yourself: The Game. Seriously, the game tells you almost nothing what’s all about, how should you play and what various upgrades work. You have to figure it out yourself. You upgrade your castle and a fancy looking guy appears? Cool! But what is he doing there? No idea! Maybe you should give him a coin? Or you have found a new structure somewhere in the woods and you can spend some money there. What benefit if you do so? Try it! Maybe you’ll see it immediately, maybe the effect will be more sophisticated so that you’ll have to experiment a bit more before figuring it out. Does it sound terrible? Perhaps but it’s actually very, very good! I still remember playing C64 games in my youth and figuring out how to play was a big part of them so Kingdom: New Lands is scratching that itch perfectly! Sure it may be a bit weird but with so many games that take your hand and never let you go doing it your way it’s very refreshing to play a game which is the opposite. I loved every bit of it and finally finishing the game was very rewarding!
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But that's minor. Great game and all hail to the the baker dude!