kalirion: That's why you gotta do
this. Don't remember if it works on nano-suited guys tho.
That was awesome.
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom JRPG.
It is good but I feel like it could be a lot better. Music could be less repetitive, kingdom management had more potential too, skirmishes could have been refined too, it would benefit from wider enemy palette and the story and writing is a just too naive and childish. And I say that as someone who enjoys Studio Ghibli movies and many kids TV series.
Still the game was fun. If it wasn't I wouldn't spend more than 100 hours with it and wouldn't complete everything there is to do.
Combat is too easy most of the time with exception of some optional stuff that can get surprisingly difficult, even unfair sometimes.
The game is gorgeous and all those things I mentioned are not bad, I enjoyed them but I am of the opinion, that if those things were made better and perhaps with older audience in mind it would be amazing game. This way it's just good.
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death Spectacle fighter.
The more I played the less I liked it.
By the time I got glide ability I realized how limited and limiting it is and how it doesn't allow you anything it doesn't want you to do. It's corridors are very narrow and god forbid you try to cross some gap by other mean than it is designed to be used or to fly slighty aside.
Platforming overall was not fun and weird camera angles made it often hard to properly measure distances.
Fighting was passable but I did not enjoy it much and especially boss fights were very uninteresting and offered nothing special.
Story is better to be left unmentioned.
Graphics are obviously dateb by now but nothing that would bother me too much.
To sum it up, platforming was annoying and fights offered nothing interesting and there is a lot of games that do it better.
Also the credits mini game is one of the worst things I have ever played.
Another link to complete list.