Posted April 11, 2017

Weak point of the game imo are the puzzles which are fairly easy; not much replayability either. I'd recommend getting it on a sale since full price is a bit much. But on the whole it's quite a nice experience.
I'm currently reading a book that discusses books and attitudes at the turn of 1900 by English authors. A book about eugenics was highly received where he cited unsuccessful people shouldn't be able to 'breed'. Another well reveived author/researchr built on it and derided Jewish people and said it would be best if black and asian people were exterminated. Apparently this was acceptable writing in England around the turn of 1900. This is all forgoten now and people assume Nazi Germany happened in isolation and the American who persecuted blacks and the British who commited their own crimes were morally superior.
On the other side of the spectrum you had an industrist (Rowntree - the chocolate maker) that noted all the masses of poverty and the problems these people had. He exposed the problems the poor to the masses and suggested it was these and not moral failure that led to their predicament.
And such is the right and left wings of the world. And I will pick up Golden Wake on sale, I like the music in the trailor.
Post edited April 11, 2017 by supplementscene