Posted December 31, 2015

Homo Ludens
Registered: Nov 2013
From Pakistan

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Registered: Aug 2010
From Australia

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted December 31, 2015

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted December 31, 2015
Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (NDS on 3DS-XL)
To me, this is by far the worst of all the Metroidstyle Castlevania games.
Massive ruse of assets in this series is one problem, this title has some specific flaws though.
The worst fail is, that if you try to keep your inventory clean in order to not have to scroll through it an endless amounf ot time, you'll sell some seemingly unimportant items like "Long Sword" or "Thick Glasses" because you often have already found better equipment. The problem is, that later you need those items to be able to finish the "quests" and if you can't finish them, they block a "quest slot" forever, preventing you from getting new/other quests.
Since the last quests need the result of those, you'll end up with a lot of unbeatable quests because you lack simple unimportant items which are not sold at the store. This is just really bad game design.
The game is extremely grindy, most time of the game is grinding and if you want to be able to play with other teams than the standard one and the two you get for really finishing the game, you have to play it in ridiculous difficulty over and over again. So few people seem to have actually done this, that I couldn't even find Youtube videos or images in the net of someone actually playing with those characters.
The multiplayer co-op is said to be good, but since I don't know anyone with a DS in my circles, I can't say anything about it. The team mechanic seemed to just be a gimmick in single-player mode, since there are only very few events in the game that actually use it for solving a puzzle.
It's not made clear how the leveling system of the subweapons works either and I had to look it up.
Unlike in Secret of Evermore for example, where a skill is trained by using it often, in Portrait of Ruin, you have to touch an enemy with the weapon once, and kill him (doesn't matter how) in order to level up the weapon. Using it as often as possible on enemies just drains your "mana" and is no way to really level it up.
I could go on a while, but in the end I can only call it an uninspired and illogical grindfest and the worst part of the series I've played (which are all of them besides "Symphony of the Night" but it's on my list).
I've played through "Richter mode" until the very end but in order to stand a chance against Darcula, I'd have to grind a lot again and it's no fun after all the grinding I've already done in the main game. I don't know if I'll pick it up later again for the sisters-mode, probably not. In order to play as an "Old Axe Armour" I'd have to kill 1000 of this enemy type and don't see this happening either, even less beating the game with a level 1 cap on hard to get the other three character sets.
Conclusion: Play "Aria of Sorrow", "Dawn of Sorrow" and "Order of Ecclesia" instead.
To me, this is by far the worst of all the Metroidstyle Castlevania games.
Massive ruse of assets in this series is one problem, this title has some specific flaws though.
The worst fail is, that if you try to keep your inventory clean in order to not have to scroll through it an endless amounf ot time, you'll sell some seemingly unimportant items like "Long Sword" or "Thick Glasses" because you often have already found better equipment. The problem is, that later you need those items to be able to finish the "quests" and if you can't finish them, they block a "quest slot" forever, preventing you from getting new/other quests.
Since the last quests need the result of those, you'll end up with a lot of unbeatable quests because you lack simple unimportant items which are not sold at the store. This is just really bad game design.
The game is extremely grindy, most time of the game is grinding and if you want to be able to play with other teams than the standard one and the two you get for really finishing the game, you have to play it in ridiculous difficulty over and over again. So few people seem to have actually done this, that I couldn't even find Youtube videos or images in the net of someone actually playing with those characters.
The multiplayer co-op is said to be good, but since I don't know anyone with a DS in my circles, I can't say anything about it. The team mechanic seemed to just be a gimmick in single-player mode, since there are only very few events in the game that actually use it for solving a puzzle.
It's not made clear how the leveling system of the subweapons works either and I had to look it up.
Unlike in Secret of Evermore for example, where a skill is trained by using it often, in Portrait of Ruin, you have to touch an enemy with the weapon once, and kill him (doesn't matter how) in order to level up the weapon. Using it as often as possible on enemies just drains your "mana" and is no way to really level it up.
I could go on a while, but in the end I can only call it an uninspired and illogical grindfest and the worst part of the series I've played (which are all of them besides "Symphony of the Night" but it's on my list).
I've played through "Richter mode" until the very end but in order to stand a chance against Darcula, I'd have to grind a lot again and it's no fun after all the grinding I've already done in the main game. I don't know if I'll pick it up later again for the sisters-mode, probably not. In order to play as an "Old Axe Armour" I'd have to kill 1000 of this enemy type and don't see this happening either, even less beating the game with a level 1 cap on hard to get the other three character sets.
Conclusion: Play "Aria of Sorrow", "Dawn of Sorrow" and "Order of Ecclesia" instead.
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Klumpen0815

you are required to own on gog
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016
high rated
All year long I've been playing this game called "2015." Parts of it were really repetitive, but the repititions were broken up into "days," "weeks," and "months." This broke the monotony somewhat by having cycles of repeating with different periods, so you always felt like you had something to look forward to, both short-term and long-term. This was enhanced by the irregular appearance of "holidays" during which all the normal activities were put on hold, and you got to try out completely different mechanics. What fun!
An awful lot of time was spent gathering and managing money. This was very grindy in the first part of the year, until I was able to get a better "job." The second part of the game was much more fun as a result. I will say that it is VERY hard to make a lot of money in this game. I grinded and grinded, but at the end I was only a little better off than I was all the way at the beginning!
There was a heavy importance of relationships. And these came in all flavors - romantic, casual, proffessional... the possibilities were endless! I feel like I did a pretty good job on this aspect. My "family" grew. I only lost one important "friend," and I made many new professional relationships.
It was difficult to figure out personal stats, since the math seemed to be all hidden. I do know that I gained a couple levels in "girth." I think I gained some "wisdom," but, like I said, hard to tell...
All in all, I really liked 2015, and I'm looking forward to the sequel, 2016. I hope it is released on time. Tonight I will play a little more 2015, and if all goes well I will actually finish some time in the middle of the night.
An awful lot of time was spent gathering and managing money. This was very grindy in the first part of the year, until I was able to get a better "job." The second part of the game was much more fun as a result. I will say that it is VERY hard to make a lot of money in this game. I grinded and grinded, but at the end I was only a little better off than I was all the way at the beginning!
There was a heavy importance of relationships. And these came in all flavors - romantic, casual, proffessional... the possibilities were endless! I feel like I did a pretty good job on this aspect. My "family" grew. I only lost one important "friend," and I made many new professional relationships.
It was difficult to figure out personal stats, since the math seemed to be all hidden. I do know that I gained a couple levels in "girth." I think I gained some "wisdom," but, like I said, hard to tell...
All in all, I really liked 2015, and I'm looking forward to the sequel, 2016. I hope it is released on time. Tonight I will play a little more 2015, and if all goes well I will actually finish some time in the middle of the night.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted January 01, 2016
The Games Finished in 2016 thread has now officially began.
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Grargar

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted January 01, 2016
Thanks Grargar.
And thanks moonshineshadow.
And thanks moonshineshadow.

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted January 01, 2016
And my last game of 2015 was.... Resonance.
Is one of those games tha captivates your attention right of the start and keeps you guessing what's going on until you finally get your answers is even better.
But not everything is roses in this game, i really didn't like the gameplay in the sense that it complicates way too much, sure, it's interesting how it mixes up the gameplay (4 different characters interacting between themselves) but it also gets to a point where do you have to go with trial and error, and having 4 characters and many objects on the screen for conversations makes it a pain in the ass but luckly there's not too much to explore so travelling isn't such a chore.
So yeah, i definitely recommend this title even if you have to use a guide (i did, not ashamed of it) but for me Gemini Rue continues to be a better title.
Is one of those games tha captivates your attention right of the start and keeps you guessing what's going on until you finally get your answers is even better.
But not everything is roses in this game, i really didn't like the gameplay in the sense that it complicates way too much, sure, it's interesting how it mixes up the gameplay (4 different characters interacting between themselves) but it also gets to a point where do you have to go with trial and error, and having 4 characters and many objects on the screen for conversations makes it a pain in the ass but luckly there's not too much to explore so travelling isn't such a chore.
So yeah, i definitely recommend this title even if you have to use a guide (i did, not ashamed of it) but for me Gemini Rue continues to be a better title.

playin it bogart
Registered: May 2011
From United States

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted January 01, 2016
I'm picturing some poor soul pounding away at his/her keyboard, glancing up at the clock, trying to squeeze one more 'finished' into 2015. :P

Bowl of Cherries
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

I talk about Bloodlines at parties
Registered: Dec 2012
From Norway
Posted January 01, 2016
I guess it's time to add my list here :P Let's see if I can remember it all.. I think I did pretty good this year :D It's not too late to say include me, is it? ;)
Dragon Age: Inquisition + Jaws of Hakkon
Styx: Master of Shadows
Grand Theft Auto V
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Alien: Isolation
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Star Wars: Dark Forces 2
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Battletoads Arcade
Metro 2033 Redux
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
The Walking Dead: Season One
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Gears of War
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Halo 5
Pneuma: Breath of Life
Fable 2*
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Return to Castle Wolfenstein*
* = Not the first time playing through a game
Dragon Age: Inquisition + Jaws of Hakkon
Styx: Master of Shadows
Grand Theft Auto V
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Alien: Isolation
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt + Hearts of Stone
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Star Wars: Dark Forces 2
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Battletoads Arcade
Metro 2033 Redux
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
The Walking Dead: Season One
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Gears of War
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Halo 5
Pneuma: Breath of Life
Fable 2*
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Return to Castle Wolfenstein*
* = Not the first time playing through a game
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Random_Coffee

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted January 01, 2016
Meh... I'm also playing this series of games but I don't like them at all: very unfair, clearly pay-to-win, and every instalment is almost the same as the previous one. However everybody seems to keep playing these games no matter what, even though there's been reported cases of people playing them to death! Amazing...

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted January 01, 2016

To me, this is by far the worst of all the Metroidstyle Castelvania games.
Massive ruse of assets in this series is one problem, this title has some specific flaws though.
The worst fail is, that if you try to keep your inventory clean in order to not have to scroll through it an endless amounf ot time, you'll sell some seemingly unimportant items like "Long Sword" or "Thick Glasses" because you often have already found better equipment. The problem is, that later you need those items to be able to finish the "quests" and if you can't finish them, they block a "quest slot" forever, preventing you from getting new/other quests.
Since the last quests need the result of those, you'll end up with a lot of unbeatable quests because you lack simple unimportant items which are not sold at the store. This is just really bad game design.
The game is extremely grindy, most time of the game is grinding and if you want to be able to play with other teams than the standard one and the two you get for really finishing the game, you have to play it in ridiculous difficulty over and over again. So few people seem to have actually done this, that I couldn't even find Youtube videos or images in the net of someone actually playing with those characters.
The multiplayer co-op is said to be good, but since I don't know anyone with a DS in my circles, I can't say anything about it. The team mechanic seemed to just be a gimmick in single-player mode, since there are only very few events in the game that actually use it for solving a puzzle.
It's not made clear how the leveling system of the subweapons works either and I had to look it up.
Unlike in Secret of Evermore for example, where a skill is trained by using it often, in Portrait of Ruin, you have to touch an enemy with the weapon once, and kill him (doesn't matter how) in order to level up the weapon. Using it as often as possible on enemies just drains your "mana" and is no way to really level it up.
I could go on a while, but in the end I can only call it an uninspired and illogical grindfest and the worst part of the series I've played (which are all of them besides "Symphony of the Night" but it's on my list).
I've played through "Richter mode" until the very end but in order to stand a chance against Darcula, I'd have to grind a lot again and it's no fun after all the grinding I've already done in the main game. I don't know if I'll pick it up later again for the sisters-mode, probably not. In order to play as an "Old Axe Armour" I'd have to kill 1000 of this enemy type and don't see this happening either, even less beating the game with a level 1 cap on hard to get the other three character sets.
Conclusion: Play "Aria of Sorrow", "Dawn of Sorrow" and "Order of Ecclesia" instead.

Come to Daddy!
Registered: Dec 2013
From Slovakia
Posted January 01, 2016
I have forgotten to add one more game, which I have finished in 2015:
Tales of Graces f (the original Wii Adult Arc on PS3)
That makes my game number 6 finished this year. To bad I do not have so much time, as 20 years ago, anymore :(
Tales of Graces f (the original Wii Adult Arc on PS3)
That makes my game number 6 finished this year. To bad I do not have so much time, as 20 years ago, anymore :(