cmdr_flashheart: I will get lynched for saying so, but Planescape reminded me of a bad, college Philosophy lesson and seriously turned me off from the game. Plus, not going to lie, the visuals were too brown and pixely...
Personal tastes are never right or wrong! :)
cmdr_flashheart: ...Contradictorily I loved playing Primordia ...
Same here! It was the first Wadjet Eye game I bought (the art stile really lured me to it), and since then I have become a fan of the studio!
cmdr_flashheart: Really, though, not enough games that let you play a talking-heavy game, which sucks.
Definitely agree on that. Having a few ones would be an appreciated change of pace! Mind me, I love games with tons of fights, but I love variation even more! ;)
Besides, I find peaceful resolutions a lot more satisfying. Anybody can come in a bulding with blazing guns and solve the situation with a nice bloodbath, but how many can turn the tides in their favour with the power of words (along with some "healthy" psychologic trickery)?