Hello everyone! I haven't been on in awhile (busy with schoolwork, etc.), but I am here to post a game I recently completed:
About a month ago, I finished Outlast. I got it for free on my PS4, so I decided to give it a go. I am normally not a fan of horror games, therefore I rarely play them, but this one got my attention. Along with Beautiful graphics (As expected on PS4) this story also has very good mechanics and story. You play as a reporter, and unlike some horror games, you don't have any weapons, only your camera. You are doing a report on an insane Asylum that has recently been in the news. And as you expect, as soon as you get in there, things go wrong. Through out the story, you are being hunted by the victims of this asylum, whom have actually been the guinea pigs of a project called Walrider. Anyway, the story is good, has a slow middle, but does have an awesome ending. This is one the few horror games to keep me engaged, and it even managed to scare the bejesus out of me a few times. Try it out!
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