It looks like I was too busy playing games to update my games-finished-in-2013-list. ^^
Since then I finished nine games so I won't write a bad, few sentences long "review" but only a quick thought.
Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition MUCH better than the first game. Everything was improved, especially the story. The story is so bad, that it's good again.
Dust: An Elysian Tail A fun game. The gameplay was good and the world was fun to explore. Only the voiceacting was... diverse...
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Deluxe Edition Mostly the same as part two. Some things were improved (e.g. ranged combat), some things are worse (e.g. story).
Rogue Legacy The game game wasn't as hard as I feared it would be but I rushed through the last part (The Darkness) because I wanted to finish the game.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing This game is a good example for a mediocre game. Exept the long load times nearly nothing stood out in any way, be it good or bad.
The Stanly Parable It has been quite some time since I last had to laugh that much but the story had also its dark moments.
Gone Home The story was fine but the game itself became more and more boring as time went by. I'm glad it's over.
Shadow Warrior (2013) A fun, melee heavy 1st-person-shooter. It's a "stand in the middle of the room and kill everything" type of game and not one of those "hide behind cover and shake with fear" games that are common nowadays.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons It started a bit boring but later on it became an adventure that I won't be able to forget so soon.
I think it's very unlikely that I finish any more games this year (around 23h left) so this will be my last post in this thread.
Here's my full list for 2013.