Posted November 21, 2013

So it happens that today is my backloggiversary :D But I must warn you that my page is pretty messy. I keep it because I like to browse my unfinished games when I want to pick something new to play. Sometimes I see a game that I've already finished some time ago so I change its status and thus the date can be totally wrong. For example you can see that recently I've marked three 4X as beaten and there is no way you can do it in 72 h (I've played them for months!). I usually neglect "now playing" list too.
The second reason I like backloggery is that I can write a few words about each game I finish. It helps a lot because by reading this later I can immediately remember how was the game. My memory is like that - it's very good but sometimes needs a little nudge to recall everything with a clarity. Those few sentences do the trick and hence I try to write a short comment for every game I finish.
I stopped posting new games that I buy, because who has time for all that? Now I just post when I beat a game. I see you're playing BG2. I have had it in my GoG inventory for a long time, but never got past the tutorial. I am actually downloading BG1 right now and plan to start that for the first time tonight. I'll add you to my backloggery multi-tap. Cheers!
EDIT: hmmm.... my link just links back to this post. Maybe I don't have enough rep to post links? I guess I'll go read the forum noob FAQ's.
Post edited November 21, 2013 by nightgoat99