PookaMustard: If you can get your hands on a SNES, it has quite a few worthy JRPGS. Mainly US FFII and US FFIII, or if you can understand Japanese, change these two games to FFIV and FFVI and add the much better FFV on top. There are also other titles to pick up such as Earthbound and Chrono Trigger (or those that I heard of).
The PlayStation has versions of FF4-FF6 and Chrono Trigger that might be worth looking into. Here are my thoughts on those versions:
FF4: Based on the original Japanese release (not FF2US or FF$ EasyType), and is the official English version that most resembles the original in terms of difficulty. Load times are negligible, but save times are not; the game takes a while to save.
FF5: The worst version of the best FF. Many of the music tracks are butchered, there are some load times (not as bad as FF6), extra slow transitions were added into/out of battle. Also worth noting that the translation is quite poor, sometimes to the point of being humorous ("Y Burn" instead of "Wyvern", for example). The physical (non-Greatest Hits) disk also has an annoying save bug that is annoying on a PS2 (helps if you memorize the save screen, otherwise you just have to cancel and try saving again) and (from what I have read) gamebreaking on PS3 (as in, the game sometimes crashes when you try to save). (Even with this being the worst version of this game, I still mastered every Job with every character on this version; that's how much I love FF5.)
FF6: Has longer load times than FF5 (IIRC), and has music issues, though not as bad as FF5's. It is worth noting that it is the only English version in which it is possible (without major memory corruption) to equip Gau with two Tempests and an Offering at the same time thanks to a glitch.
Chrono Trigger: Really bad load times; I don't recommend this version of the game.
Also, there's Final Fantasy Origins, which has FF1 and FF2. Here are my thoughts on these versions:
FF1: My favorite version of the game. It keeps the original mechanics (and difficulty), but improves the graphics and sound and fixes a few things that were broken. The easy mode is nice, as it makes the game a bit easier, but not nearly as easy as the GBA and later games (which made the party much stronger but failed to boost the enemies (except the final boss) to compensate.
FF2: The worst version I have played (WSC version is probably as bad). The main issue I have is that spells, which level rather slowly in the original version, level even more slowly in the PSX version. For that reason, I can't recommend this version: Even the original Famicom version is a better choice because of the spell leveling issue. (Also, the game is still an unbalanced mess that punishes you unreasonably for wanting to wear armor.)